A survey of changes in hemodynamic responses to intubation of trachea by oral and nasal routes
Y.Mortazavi (M.Sc) * 1, E.Nasiri (M.Sc) , M.Mirhossini (M.D) |
Abstract: (27335 Views) |
For a patient under any treatment it is very important to maintain a stable cardiovascular system (CVS) under anesthesia. The CVS can be disturbed due to many factors, and one of the factor which can later the hemodynamic system of the patient is laryngoscopy and intubation. Hence the assessment of the variations in the blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) of the patient during laryngoscopy and intubation is very important. Hypertension and Tachycardia as a great disorders causing great problems. Such as cerebral hemorrhagia and myocardial infection, which are occurred during general anesthesia. Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation is necessary for airway management prevention of the aspiration of gastric contents. The amount of blood pressure and heart rate is measured in 1, 3, 5 after laryngoscopy and intubation. 70 patients ASA1 with the age of 16-55, undergone elective surgery and a general anesthesia were selected. Some drug pre-medication and induction were the same in rate about all patients. 35 patients are intubated orally and the rest of them nasally. The subjects were chosen among patients who did not have difficult intubation and cardiovascular disorders. Before laryngoscopy and 1, 3, 5 minutes blood pressure and HR measured. According to outcoming results, blood pressure and HR increasing after laryngoscopy in both group (Oral intubation and nasal intubation). The increase of nasotracheal intubation was more than oral one remarkably. The difference would be meaningful according to statistic point (P<0.05). According to research finding the most amount of increase in the blood pressure and HR was related to the laryngoscopy and intubation. These changes can make problems for some cardiovascular patients. So it is suggested that all anesthetists should lessen the probable complication of patients under laryngoscopy a tracheal intubation by monitoring BP and HR. |
Keywords: Blood pressure, Pulse, Endotracheal intubation, Laryngoscopy, General anesthesia |
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Type of Study: Original Articles |
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Anesthesia, Babol University of Medical Sciences |