Application Procedure : Application Procedure

 | Post date: 2017/11/20 | 
When to apply?

  • FALL Enrollment begins in September
  • SPRING Enrollment begins in January

* Please note that for some programs, application procedures and deadlines may vary. Always consult the university’s education office for specific application guidelines

How to Apply?
Application Procedure:

In this section, you will find useful information regarding applying for English-taught higher education programs in Iran. We are glad to assist you in getting started with your application.

Follow the steps below to be well on track!

  • STEP 1: Search for courses and programs to find the right one

Before applying, you should first think about your study interests and decide to which particular program you wish to apply. This will help you easily find useful information such as entry requirements, application periods, possible tuition fees and scholarships, and so on.

  • STEP 2: Check entry requirements and deadlines

Once you have decided to which institute you wish to apply, check details regarding admission requirements on the university’s website. Entry requirements are also listed for each program in its descriptions on EducationIRAN’s programs page. Contact the admissions office of the university if you have detailed questions.

The application procedure and deadlines may vary for each university. In order to apply on time and for specific application guidelines, always contact the admissions office of the university to which you are applying.

  • STEP 3: Financing your studies

As an international student, you need to demonstrate sufficient funds necessary for studying in Iran, so that you will be able to cover your living costs and also the possible tuition fees.

Please contact the respective universities’ admissions offices about possible financial support options.

  • STEP 4: Start your application online

     - Create a user account to access all your admissions information:

Start the application process and create your user account by clicking on the “Clients Login” tab.

     - Fill the application form and prioritize your choices:

Answer all questions with care and accuracy, and make sure all required documents are uploaded. Remember that you can apply for up to three different universities with one application.

     - Submit your application before deadlines:

Applying to Iranian Universities is free of charge for all applicants.

  • STEP 5: Follow your application

After completing the application process, your application will be reviewed based on a selection procedure and various criteria determined by your universities of interest. After final decisions have been reached, you will receive your selection results via email. In case of acceptance, be sure to confirm your attendance in the program in order to keep any places you have been offered.

  • STEP 6: Apply for your visa

Depending on your nationality, you may need to apply for a visa to enter Iran. After being officially admitted to an Iranian University, you should start your student visa application process by completing a visa application form and sending it to the admissions office of the university to which you are applying.

  • STEP 7: Search for housing and find the best possible student accommodation

Once you have been admitted to a university, you need to start looking for accommodation. Your first point of contact should always be your host university where you will be advised best on student accommodation options and other student services. You can also find some general information on our website in the Accommodation and Housing section.

       We hope these steps assist you to make a successful application.

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