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Showing 4 results for Prematurity

Sh.nasrolahi (md), Sh.alimohammady (md), M.zamani (md),
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2006)

Background&Objective: Precelampsia with prevalancy of 5-10% is one of the important causes of maternal morbidity and mortality and neonatal prematurity that prevention of it has aessential role in reduction of maternal and fetal mortality. Pathogenesis of disease is endothelial dysfunction and free radicals can exaggerated of endothelial damage.this study designed to evaluate antioxidants (vit E,C) effect on preeclampsia in primipar women. Materials&Methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial in 580 primipar women that randomized in two treatment and control groups. To the Treatmet group in 18-22w of gestation during routin prenatal care vitamin E (400 IU) and vitamin C (lg) administrated daily untile end of pregnany. Control group recieved routin ferrous sulfate and incidence of preeclampisa compaired in two-group .Data analyzed by chi-square test. Results: Incidence of preeclampsia was 1.7% in treatment group and 6.2% in control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: antioxidant (vit E,C) have an effect on reduction of preeclampsia incidence.
Mahnaz Fouladinejad (md), Naser Behnampour (msc), Ali Pashaei Zanjani (student), Mohammad Hadi Gharib (student), Marjan Akbari Kamrani (student),
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2008)

Background and Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Neonatal Intensive Cares Many different data banks have been developed. Furthermore, various scoring systems such as SNAP and CRIB have been validated to designate and compared differences among hospitalized patients in NICU. This study was done to determine mortality rate and prevalence of complications in neonates admitted to Taleghani and Dezyani NICU centers in Gorgan - Iran. Materials and Methods: In this discriptive study a questioniare including sex, birthweight, gestational age, duration of hospitalization, age at the time of discharge or death, complications and other information needed for CRIB scoring system, was completed for 46 neonates with gestational age of less than 37-week old and birth weight of less than 1500 grams. Results: Mortality rate was 37% (17 neonates) with the most common cause being respiratory failure. RDS was associated with a 101-fold increase for the chance of death (OR=1.1, CI=12.9-793.6). This probability was 4.7 fold for delivery-time asphyxia. The mean of birthweight, gestational age and CRIB in living and dead infants were 1201 and 934 grams, 30 and 28 weeks and 3.76 and 11.7, respectivly. Using a ROC curve, a cut off point of 7 was reached to predict neonatal outcome for CRIB scoring. Conclusion: This study showed that the mortality rate was higher than the rate in most centers of the world. The mortality rate was directly related with the increase of CRIB score,especially for scores more than 11.
Mahnaz Fouladinejad (md), Mohammd Mahdy Motahari(md), Mohammad Hadi Gharib, Fatemeh Sheishari, Mohammad Soltani,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2009)

Background and Objective: Retinopathy of permaturity (ROP), a lesion in the retina of premature infants with low birth weights, can result in blindness and it is a major cause of blindness in children of developing countries. We were ought to determine prevalence and intensity of retinopathy of permaturity and investigate some related risk factors in NICU of Taleghani hospital.

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, from march 2004 to December 2005, the result of clinical examinations and laboratory of 89 premature infants with gestational ages of less than 34week old were recorded in a questionair form. These infants, were examined by a retinologist, at the time of discharge and if necessary every 4 weeks, until retinal vascularization completed. The results of examination were recorded.

Results: Retinopathy of permaturity was detected in 5 neonates all of them in stage 1 and the most percent of prevalence in neonates with birthweights between 1001 to 1250 grams and gestational ages less than 29-week old. All cases were oxygenated and prevalence was more in the group who got oxygen via CPAP.

Conclusion: Based upon this study, the most important risk factors for retinopathy of permaturity were lower birthweight and less gestational age. Moreover, it was one more time emphasized on the effect of oxygenation in developing retinopathy of permaturity.

Kose Gharavi Ag , Shoraka Hr , Sofizadeh A, Eimani Katuli H ,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Background and Objective: Neonatal mortality rate is one of the most important health criteria, worldwide. Understanding the major neonatal mortality causes will help to plan for better pregnancy, prenatal and neonatal care systems. This study was conducted to determine the neonatal mortality risk factors in Maraveh Tapeh County in Golestan province, north of Iran. Methods: In this case-control study, according to either death or live in 28th day after birth, 52 neonates were considered as case group and 201 neonates were considered as control group. Data collection questionnair were adjusted and completed for each neonate. Results: Neonatal mortality rate was 11.76, 13.36 and 6.46 per 1000 live birth in 2011, 2012 and 2013, respectively. Five main causes of death were prematurity, events, birth defect, respiratory distress syndrome and sepsis, respectively. There was a significant relation between death and prematurity, birth weight and gender (P<0.05). There was relationship between birth weight and neonatal mortality (Odds Ratio=29.6). Conclusion: Prematurity and low birth weight were the most important causes of neonatal mortality in Maraveh Tapeh county in Golestan province, north of Iran.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گرگان Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences
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