Background & Objective: Job satisfaction is the one of factors that affected by leadership style of managers and can effect on health organization practice. The aim of this study was to determine relation between leadership styles of nursing managers and rate of nursing employees' job satisfaction.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 720 nursing employees of Gorgan Medical teaching centers during 2006. Leadership style and job satisfaction were main variables of study. Data gathering tools were questionnaire of demographic characters, job satisfaction and standardized Bark's leadership style. Gathered data were analyzed by c2, Mann-Whitney and ANOVA statistical tests.
Results: The most of participants (74.3%) were women, nurses (86.6%) with the mean age of 32.7±7.32 years. The rate of satisfaction in the most of nursing employees (79.8%) was low and moderate. 63.2% of participates believed that their nursing managers had transactional leadership style and 34.9% of them said nursing managers apply transformational leadership method. Data analysis showed that nursing managers have transactional leadership, had higher job satisfaction rate (88.01 V.S 86.36). This difference was not significant.
Conclusion: This study showed that, there is not statistical relation between leadership styles of nursing managers and rate of nursing employees' job satisfaction.