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Showing 2 results for Morin

Mohammad Hadi Mehdinejad (msc), Bijan Bina(phd), Mahnaz Nikaeen(phd), Hossein Movahedian Attar(phd),
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Background and Objective: In recent years, chitosan and Moringa oleifera Coagulant Protein a natural coagulant were used in order to reduce the problems occure from chemical coagulants. This investigation was done to determine effectiveness of Moringa Oleifera Coagulant Protein and Chitosan as natural coagulant aids in removal of colloidal particles and bacteria from turbid waters. Materials and Methods: In this interventional- quasi experimental study, the experiments were run by using synthetic water having low(10-20NTU), medium(100-120NTU) and high (200-220NTU) initial turbidities. In order to determine optimum pH and dosage of coagulant and coagulant aids, a conventional jar test apparatus was employed. Turbidity reading were carried out using a Hach model 2100P Turbidimeter. The samples were taken from the top four inch of the suspension for turbidity and bacteria removal measurement. Results: Optimum dose of alum for waters with three different initial turbidities were 20, 40, and 20 mg/l, respectively. Optimum pH was between 7-7.5. Moringa oleifera Coagulant Protein and chitosan were reduced the required dosage of alum from 12.5% to 62.5% and from 50% to 87.5%, respectively, in different turbidities and residual aluminum was reduced to standard limit (0.2mg/l). The bacteria removal efficiency were from 90% to 99.9999%. It was found when samples were stored during 24 hours regrowth of E.coli was not observed. Conclusion: This study showed that natural coagulant aids can reduce the turbidity to below 5NTU without filtration in optimum condition.
Samin Babazadeh , Kumarss Amini , Mahsa Kavousi ,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Background and Objective: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that is a major cause of mortality in immunocompromised patients. One of the most important mechanisms of resistance of this bacterium is biofilm formation. The aim of this study was done to determine the Effect of Morin on Expression of Biofilm Gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from burn wounds by Real time PCR.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study 60 sample were collected from burn wounds of patients admitted to the hospitals in Tehran, Iran. Samples were identified by using biochemical methods. The DNA of the isolates was extracted and then antimicrobial activity of morin analyzed by microbroth dilution assay. The presence of biofilm production genes was investigated by PCR. Finally, the expression of lasI gene in combination with Sub-MIC concentration of morin in biofilm-producing bacteria was evaluated using Real time PCR.
Results: From 60 samples that analyzed by Multiplex-PCR, 12 (20%) Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains were isolated in which 12 isolates (100%) were carried lasI and lasR, genes, respectively. 3 isolates (25%) were carried rhlI gene. Sub-MIC concentration of morin in biofilm-producing bacteria reduced lasI gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Conclusion: Morin has significant efficacy on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and could be a good alternative for treatment of antibiotic resistant isolates.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گرگان Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences
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