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Showing 3 results for Health Belief Model

Charkazy Ar, Kochaki Ghm, Badeleh Mt, Gazi Sh, Ekrami Z, Bakhsha F,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2007)

Background & Objective: Hypertension is the most important Cardio-Vascular risk factor, and also the most common cause of heart failure, stroke and renal failure. This semi-experimental study aimed at determining the effect of education, by means of Health Belief Model (HBM), on nurse’s staff knowledge, attitude and their practice toward hypertension. Materials & Methods: This semi-experimental study was done on 136 nurse’s staff selected by stratified random sampling. Data collection instrument were a questionnaire and a check-list. At first, the subjects’ knowledge, attitude and their Practice were studied by a questionnaire and a check list, and then a HBM-based educational program was carried out. For three months, Afterwards, their knowledge, attitude and practice were measured and compared with pretest findings. In statistical analysis, Wilcox on test, independent t test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Results: Before education the mean score of knowledge, benefit perceived, barrier perceived, threat perceived, attitude and practice was 9.68, 23.76, 25.63, 22.82, 71.99 and 4.55 respectively. After education these scores reached 16.66, 26.06, 28.94, 24.98, and 80.08 and 4.83. Based on the results, nurse’s staff training via HBM led to high knowledge, positive attitude and practice improvement (p<0.05).The difference between this research variables such as age, gender, marital status, record of service and family background was not significant, But there was significant difference between variables (occupational levels, educational levels, and hospital ward) and knowledge and practice. Furthermore, the relation between hospital ward and attitude was positive (p<0.05). Conclusion: In terms of the results, it is a necessity for nurse’s staff to participate in a HBM based educational program.
Pirzadeh A (msc), Sharifirad Gh (phd),
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Background and Objective: The majority of medicines are associated with some form of side effects due to high prevalence of self- medication in Iran .There is not any drug without side effects the prevalence of self- medication in Iran's provinces is increasing. This study was done to determine the knowledge and practice among woman about self -medication based on health belief model. Materials and Methods: This cross- sectional study carried out on 385 women whom referred to health centers in Isfahan, Iran during 2008. Data were collected by a questionnaire including knowledge, practice and health belief model structures. Results: The mean score of knowledge was 82.97±13.80 and means score of perceived susceptibility 72.48±17.11, severity 71.60±14.73, benefits 68.29±17.13 and barriers 61.64±19.67. 86% of women have done self–medication at least in one disease in 6 months earlier Including: cold 225 (57.6%), headache 28 (53.7%) and anemia 51 (13.2%). The main reasons for self –medication were previous experience and medicine accessibility .The main reasons to avoid self –medication was the side effects of medicine. Conclusion: Self-medication can be prevented thought increasing knowledge and education about severity of drug side effects.
Pirzadeh A, Sharifirad Ghr ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Background and Objective: Although acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a vital medical problem but it is more prominant as a personal behavior social cultural phenomenon. Adolescents have been identified as risk population in immune deficiency virus. Health education is only effective method to prevent AIDS. This study was carried out to determine the effect of educational program on knowledge and health belief model structures about acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among high school female student in Isfahan, Iran. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study conducted on 72 female students whom divided equaly into case and control groups. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics, knowledge and health belief model. Educational interventions were performed in lecture and group discussion. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18, paired t-test and independent t-test. Results: There were no significant differences in knowledge, perceived severity, benefits and barrier in two groups before intervention. After intervention, there were significant increases in knowledge, perceived severity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers (P<0.05), in the intervention group, but there was not significant increases in perceived susceptibility. Conclusion: Education based on health belief model can improve knowledge, perceived severity, benefits and barriers in female student. More educational sessions are required for improving perceived susceptibility in high school female students.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گرگان Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences
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