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Showing 41 results for Health

Sh.semnani (m.d), Aa.keshtkar (m.d),
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2003)

Background & Objective: In all of world, a portion of household income expends on health care cost. Amount and distribution of the proportion indicate financial burden of health care in the societies. WHO believes that one of the main determinants in health system efficiency is fairness of financial contribution. This study aimed distribution pattern of urban households’ income, health expenditure by cost types and measuring of equality on health care costs in the Gorgan district. Materials & Methods: In order to establish the population laboratory, this cross-sectional study assessed 1014 household in the Gorgan health posts (No 4 and 8) on January 2003. health insurance status, monthly household income and monthly health care cost gathered through interviewing with the husbandmans. Results: Health insurance coverage was 67% in highest and 44% in lowest income deciles (P<0.05). Median and mean of assessed households’ income and household health care cost were 1200000 Rls, (1669669±187300 Rls) and 80000 Rls, (281530±95124 Rls) respectively. Mean of median of out of pocket proportion health care cost per households’ income was 0.57±0.03 and 0.66 respectively. 13% of total income expended health care cost through out of pocket. This proportion in highest and lowest income decile was 7% and 28% (P<0.05). Gini coefficient of health care cost and out of pocket cost per total household income were 0.22 and 0.18 respectively. Conclusion: Low income households expended almost 40% of their income in order to purchasing of health care, in comparison to richest households, they spent 9% of total income. Instead of, additive development of health insurance systems and complementary insurance mechanisms, a half of health care cost in the population spend by out of pocket. According to WHO standards of health system performance, revising health insurance system and payment mechanisms are mandatory.
Sh.hosanei (m.d), Mh.mosavy (m.sc),
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2004)

Background & Objective: There are a tramandous changes are happened after a person entered to the university. This period considered to be a very deligate part of student life. During this phase usually there are anxiety and combination of other problems, which could affect health status of the person. The mental health considered a high ranking items among the different groups in one society, especially more when we are talking about the medical sciences students, because these students are goings to look after other people health in the community, the health status of medical and paramedical students should be seriously taken into consideration. On the basis of these facts, this research has been set-up to investigate the mental health status of trainee medical and paramedical students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Materials & Methods: This research project was an descriptive analytical study on all of the medical and paramedical trainee students in 2nd term of the academic year 1999-2000 of Mazandaran University. The basis for this research’s was the questionnaires which contained the personal demographic and also GHQ tests. Results: The GHQ test was set up on physical disability, sleep disorder, anxiety and unsociable. In 2 groups of students and there was no differences between the 2 groups, in dimension of depression the prevalence among the medical students was more than para-medical student, that this difference was significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: In regard to the results of this research and the steady increase of mental problems numbers of suspected cases among the students, in addition to the attention of health authorities. The establishment of student’s advisory unit is required.
A.shabestani.monfared (ph.d), F.jalali (m.d), H.mozdarani(ph.d), M.hajiahmadi (ph.d),
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2004)

Background & Objective: Ramsar a coastal city in the north part of Iran has among the highest levels of natural radiation known to exist in an inhabited area. This is mainly due to radium-226 and its progenies coming to the earth surface through hot springs. The health effect of low doses of ionizing radiation is not clear and is still under the matter of discussion. The study of the effects of high natural background radiation on human health was the main goal of this investigation. The present article is showing the results of the first phase of our work. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted on 101 families (402 residents) of high background radiation areas and 98 families (374 residents) from adjacent normal radiation areas. After description of the study and its objectives to the participants, they were asked to participate in interviews and complete questionnaires containing some socio-economic and health items. Some items of questionnaires were determined using the information recorded in local health centers in those areas. Results: Overall data showed no significant differences between the frequencies of any mental and physical disabilities as well as death, abortion and mental depression in residents of normal and high background radiation areas. However the frequency of some special diseases such as cardiac diseases and malignancies among residents of high background radiation area in comparison with ordinary radiation level areas was lower (P<0.05). Conclusion: These preliminary results, showed lack of ill effects and even some positive effects. Among population of high background radiation areas. Although we used census method for getting data, we believe that other radio-epidemiologic prospective studies can improve our knowledge about radiobiology of low doses of ionizing radiation.
Taziki Sa, Besharat S, Rabiee Mr,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2005)

Background&Objective: Nowadays epidemiologic paterns of the diseases are verifying rapidly non-contagious diseases like mental disorders are replacing contagious one. Several people, unaware of their psychiatric problems seek medical advise and treating. College students are susceptible to mental disorders because of their conditions. This research was done to evaluate mental health state in students of Golestan University of Medical Sciences. Materials&Methods: 218 students of Golestan University took part in this research. SCL-90-R was the test for evaluation, after collecting the questionnaires and entering into SPSS-10 software, data were analyzed with chi-square and Fisher-exact test. Results: The momental prevalence was estimated 72%. 157 persons had disorder, at least in one dimension, and 16 persons (7.34%) had severe disorder at least in one. Marriage and psychosis, paranoid & anxiety had meaningful relations (P<0.05), residental site and paranoid had meaningful relations (P<0.05), higher levels of father’s education and interpersonal sensitivity had meaningful relation (P<0.05), Family history of mental disorders, moderate interest in education, field of study and phobia had meaningful relationships (P<0.05), females had higher scores in depression (P<0.05). Conclusion: According to this high prevelence of mental disorders it seems that mental health’s problem is critically high in this region, much more attention should be paid to prevent further complications.
Ghahari Sh, Panaghi L, Atef-Vahid Mk, Zareii-Doost E, Mohammadi A,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2006)

Background&Objective: Abusing the married women are among one of the most difficult problem in many countries. In the study, mental health status of spouse abused women was evaluated. Materials&Methods: 1186 women were selected randomly from all districts of Tehran, undergoing spouse abuse questionnaire and general health questionnaire (GHQ-28). Collected data were analyzed by SPSS software with t-test and multiple regression analysis. Results: In 1186 study case, 1013 women (85.4%) experienced emotional abuse, 374 ones (31.5%) physical abuse, 360 ones (30.4%) sexual abuse and 206 ones (17.4%) all types of abuse. Also, the abuse victims suffered worse status of general health (p<0.05). Examining relation between all types of abuse, as a predictive factor ,and general health aspects as an(y) factor,with multiple regression analysis revealed a positive relation, i.e. experiencing any type of abuse could predict worsening of general health (p<0.05). Conclusion: Spouse abused women suffer a worse status in general health. Also they showed emotional disorders. The victims of sexual and physical abuse suffered worse than victims of emotional abuse.
Charkazy Ar, Kochaki Ghm, Badeleh Mt, Gazi Sh, Ekrami Z, Bakhsha F,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2007)

Background & Objective: Hypertension is the most important Cardio-Vascular risk factor, and also the most common cause of heart failure, stroke and renal failure. This semi-experimental study aimed at determining the effect of education, by means of Health Belief Model (HBM), on nurse’s staff knowledge, attitude and their practice toward hypertension. Materials & Methods: This semi-experimental study was done on 136 nurse’s staff selected by stratified random sampling. Data collection instrument were a questionnaire and a check-list. At first, the subjects’ knowledge, attitude and their Practice were studied by a questionnaire and a check list, and then a HBM-based educational program was carried out. For three months, Afterwards, their knowledge, attitude and practice were measured and compared with pretest findings. In statistical analysis, Wilcox on test, independent t test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Results: Before education the mean score of knowledge, benefit perceived, barrier perceived, threat perceived, attitude and practice was 9.68, 23.76, 25.63, 22.82, 71.99 and 4.55 respectively. After education these scores reached 16.66, 26.06, 28.94, 24.98, and 80.08 and 4.83. Based on the results, nurse’s staff training via HBM led to high knowledge, positive attitude and practice improvement (p<0.05).The difference between this research variables such as age, gender, marital status, record of service and family background was not significant, But there was significant difference between variables (occupational levels, educational levels, and hospital ward) and knowledge and practice. Furthermore, the relation between hospital ward and attitude was positive (p<0.05). Conclusion: In terms of the results, it is a necessity for nurse’s staff to participate in a HBM based educational program.
Bayany Aa, Koocheky Am, Koocheky Ghm,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2007)

Background&Objective: Teacher’s mental health, due to its effect on the formation of attitude and mental health of students, play more important role than any other social-class. This research focuses on the extend of teacher’s mental health with various levels of education as its main objective. Materials&Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional research. Statistical population is comprised of all teachers in Golestan province who involved teaching at schools in the educational year of 1383-84. a sample of 535 teachers was obtained through multi-phase random cluster sampling. Symptom checklist questionnaire with a cut-point of 2.5 on each dimension and 1.3 cut-point for global symptom index (GSI) were considered in determining teacher’s mental disorder. Results: Finding showed %81.1 of teachers are of sound mental health and %18.9 of them (%21.8 in female and %14.9 in mal) seem to suffer at least from one of the symptoms of mental disorder. The sequence of disorder symptom prevalence was as follow: somatization %7.3, paranoid ideation %5.8 and depression % 4.9. the highest mental disorder was seen among elementary school teachers(%21.6) and the lowest among senior high school teachers(%14.9). a significant correlation coefficient between teacher’s level of education and overtime work with global symptom index(GSI) was seen(P<0.05). Conclusion: Result of study showed that the prevalence of mental disorders among Golstan teachers are medium and this finding are indicative of lower mental disorder among the teachers in Golestan province in comparison to the finding of similar researches done in other provinces.
Neda Parvin, Afsaneh Kazemian, Azam Alavi, Faranak Safdari, Ali Hassanpoor Dehkordi, Shahryar Hosseinzade, Esmat Alidost,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2007)

Background & Objective: Menopause effect on women quality of life and mental health. This study performed to determine the effect of supportive group therapy on menopause mental health condition in Sharekord.


Materials & Methods: This study is a quasi experimental research. 46 menopause women who had research condition divided in case and control group. We used GHQ28 and demographic questionnaire in 3 stages for data gathering. group therapy session perform for case group. Data was analysed with SPSS soft ware and analyctic and descriptive statistic index such as Paired T and correlation exam.


Results: After group therapy in all dimention performed, significant progress in case group (p<0.05). In addition there was significant difference between case and control group in mental health score after group therapy (p<0.05). There is no any correlation between demographic variable with mental health condition.


Conclusion: This study showed effectiveness of group therapy in mental health condition of menopause women. We recommend to use this method routinely for menopause women.

Hamid Hojati (msc), Shamsolmolok Jalalmanesh (msc), Mohammad Fesharaki (phd),
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Background and Objective: Nightshift working has negative physical, psychological and social effects on personal life of nurses and in the long run, with subsequent health and complication. This survey was done to study the effect of sleeplessness on general health of nightshift nurses in hospitals of Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran, during 2008. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, 124 subjects with suitable condition were selected through a census from among 615 nightshift working nurses in hospitals of Golestan university of medical sciences. Data were collected by delivering questionnaire and it included one questionnaire of personal information and two questionnaires about effects of sleeplessness and general health (GHQ-28). Results: Effect of sleeplessness, in the maximum percent of nurses (55.6%) were moderate and in the minimum percent (2.4%) were low. Mean±SD the sleepness rate was moderate (58±9). Also, the results of general health showed that most of them (60.6%) had favorable general health and 2.5% of subjects had unfavorable general health. There was a significant correlation between sleepness, effect and general health of nurses in addition. There was also a meningfull sleeplessness correlation between sleepness effect with age, employment history and nightschieft time table (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that sleepness, negatively, effect on general health of nightschieft nurses, it is suggested, there should a properly organized sleep time table for the nightchieft nurses.
Jalali Aria K (msc), Nahidi F (msc), Amir Ali Akbari S (msc), Alavi Majd H (phd),
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2010)

Background and Objective: Adolescence is a critical period which has physical, sexual and psychosocial changes. Scientists believe that adolescent must aware from necessary knowledge at critical time, because unawareness causes more sexual deviation. Thus in this study parents and teacher's view had been assessed about the best time and appropriate method for reproductive health education for female adolescents. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study 400 parents and 50 teachers from girls' high school were chosen by multiple sampling in Gorgan-Iran. Information collected by a questionnaire which consisted of two parts of demographic characteristics and polling which contains three parts: fertilization and pregnancy, family planning, HIV and STDs. Descriptive statistic was used for analysis the Data by SPSS-9 software. Results: 43.5% of mothers and 38.5% of fathers believed that the best time for fertilization and pregnancy education is at marriage time, and 46% of teachers believed grade III high school and pre- university is suitable time. Majority of teachers and parents believed that the best time to teach family planning is at marriage time. 32% of mothers believed that the most suitable time. for teaching HIV and STDs is grade 3 at high school and pre- university but about 30.7% of fathers and 38% of teachers noted the best time is grade I and II at high school. About the most suitable education method, 45% of mothers and 44% of teachers believed that attending a midwife at school is necessary. Conclusion: This study showed that majority of parents and teachers agree with reproductive health education during high school and marriage time and they mentioned that the best education method should be done at school with attending a midwife as a counselor.
Zahmatkesh H (md), Hajimoradloo N (md), Kazemi Malekmahmoodi Sh (bsc), Khoddam H (msc),
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2010)

Background and Objective: Life saving with a high quality health care programs in the shortest duration is the mainstay of emergency department system. Frequent monitoring and quality control of this process and the satisfaction of patients are among the very important indices in hospital quality. This study was designed to evaluate the clients satisfaction in the hospitals affiliated to Golestan University of medical sciences. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was done on 2400 referred patients in emergency departments of different hospitals in Golestan province, northern Iran during 2006. Data were gathered by questionnaire included demographic data and questions about satisfaction of outpatients and emergencies. The Data analyzed by SPSS-15 software and chi-square test. Results: Level of satisfaction in emergency department, was reported as follow: physician attention and behaviors (86%), nursing behaviors (85%) responsibility to patients (84.1%) status of the environmental temperature (83.9%) and cleaning (81.9%). The lowest satisfaction was related to behavior of guardsman (33.8%). In emergency ward, levels of patient's satisfaction were as following: Access to telephone (49.7%) quality of the meals (47.4%) quantity of meals (44.1%) and the lowest level of satisfaction of patient was neglecting the patient's right (8.2%). Conclusion: This study indicated that more educational programs, should be arranged for the emergency units employees to observe patients right.
Ghaffari E (ma), Shahi As (ma), Ozouni Davaji Rb (ma), Rostami R (ma),
Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2011)

Background and Objective: Normal psychological behaviour is one of the general concept of health. This study was carried out to evalute psychological disorders among inhabint residing in poor social district of Gorgan, Iran. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 376 subjects (188 males and 188 females) with simple random sampling method. Data were gathered using the general health questionnaire (GHQ-28). Data was analyzed by SPSS-16, Kruskal–Wallis and Pearson tests. Results: The prevalence of psychological disorders was 37% (33.5% in men, 40.4% in women), depression was 24.45% (22.5% in men and 26.4% in women) and anxiety was 31.6% (31.2% in men, 32% in women). Social affairs disorder 21% (19.2% in men, 22.7% in women) and psychosomatic disorders in 28.5% (22% of men, 35% of women). The relationship between psychological disorder with economic level and family size was significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that 37% of inhabint residing in poor social district of Gorgan, Northern Iran had psychological disorders.
Hashemi Sr (phd), Davoodi H (phd),
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Antibiotics usage in domestic animals, as antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) was considered from middle of 1950 onwards. Antibiotic feed additives as growth promoters have long been supplemented to animal food in very low amounts (5 to 20 ppm) to stabilize the intestinal microbial flora, improve the general performances, and prevent some specific intestinal pathogens. The widespread use of antibiotics as AGPs is playing a significant role in the emergence of resistant bacteria. The resistant bacteria in animals due to antibiotic exposure can be transmitted to human through the consumption of their products, from close or direct contact with animals, or through the environment and consequently, the increased concern about the potential for antibiotic resistant bacteria was led the European ::::union:::: and the United States regulations banning the use of AGPs in animal food since 2006. Various studies always look for a suitable replacement antibiotics to substitute to preserve the valuable role of these compounds. Extensive efforts on these alternatives have been started in last decades and some of these alternatives such as probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, ionophores, acidifier, organic acids, medicinal herbs and phytogenic can be pointed out. Hence, the aim of this review is to evaluate the antibiotic replacement strategy particularly medicinal herbs and their mechanisms as new growth and health promoters.
Pirzadeh A (msc), Sharifirad Gh (phd),
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Background and Objective: The majority of medicines are associated with some form of side effects due to high prevalence of self- medication in Iran .There is not any drug without side effects the prevalence of self- medication in Iran's provinces is increasing. This study was done to determine the knowledge and practice among woman about self -medication based on health belief model. Materials and Methods: This cross- sectional study carried out on 385 women whom referred to health centers in Isfahan, Iran during 2008. Data were collected by a questionnaire including knowledge, practice and health belief model structures. Results: The mean score of knowledge was 82.97±13.80 and means score of perceived susceptibility 72.48±17.11, severity 71.60±14.73, benefits 68.29±17.13 and barriers 61.64±19.67. 86% of women have done self–medication at least in one disease in 6 months earlier Including: cold 225 (57.6%), headache 28 (53.7%) and anemia 51 (13.2%). The main reasons for self –medication were previous experience and medicine accessibility .The main reasons to avoid self –medication was the side effects of medicine. Conclusion: Self-medication can be prevented thought increasing knowledge and education about severity of drug side effects.
Simbar M (md), Khajehpoor M (msc), Jannesari Sh (msc), Alavi Majd H (phd),
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Background and Objective: Unwanted pregnancy can have negative impacts on maternal health. The aim of this study was to compare the health status of women with wanted and unwanted pregnancies in Kerman, Iran.

Materials and Methods: This case – control was performed on women with wanted (100 cases) and unwanted pregnancies (100 cases) whom refered to health centers in Kerman, Iran during 2010. The tool for data collection included a demographic questionnaire, short form 36 health survey (SF36) and a researcher-made pregnancy’s  physical health. Validity and reliability of the questionnaires were assessed initially prior to study procedure. Data was analyzed by using SPSS-16, Chi-Square, T Student and Mann-Whitney tests.

Results: Women with unwanted pregnancies had lower scores for physical and mental health, vaccination and supplement consumption, prenatal care and personal health than women with wanted pregnancies (P<0.05). Women with unwanted pregnancies had more complications and high risk behavior compared to unwanted pregnancies (P<0.05).

Conclusion: This study indicated that unwanted pregnancies are accompanied with physical and mental health. Thus, special counseling and extra care measures is recommended during unwanted pregnancies. Pregnancy

Pirzadeh A, Sharifirad Ghr ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Background and Objective: Although acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a vital medical problem but it is more prominant as a personal behavior social cultural phenomenon. Adolescents have been identified as risk population in immune deficiency virus. Health education is only effective method to prevent AIDS. This study was carried out to determine the effect of educational program on knowledge and health belief model structures about acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among high school female student in Isfahan, Iran. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study conducted on 72 female students whom divided equaly into case and control groups. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics, knowledge and health belief model. Educational interventions were performed in lecture and group discussion. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18, paired t-test and independent t-test. Results: There were no significant differences in knowledge, perceived severity, benefits and barrier in two groups before intervention. After intervention, there were significant increases in knowledge, perceived severity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers (P<0.05), in the intervention group, but there was not significant increases in perceived susceptibility. Conclusion: Education based on health belief model can improve knowledge, perceived severity, benefits and barriers in female student. More educational sessions are required for improving perceived susceptibility in high school female students.
Mohseni Ra , Pakzad H,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Background and Objective: The child mortality is a index of development and plays an important role in determination of population growth. This study was done to determine the effect of sociol-economical conditions on mortality rate of under 5 years children, Khuzestan- Iran. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was done on 372 women aged. 20-48 years with at least one child under 5 years whome were admitted to the health centers in urban and rural area of gotvand town in Khuzestan province, Iran during 2004. Individuals questionnaires included variables such as mortality, demographic, economic and social index were completed for each subject. Data were analyzed using SPSS-17, ANOVA, Chi-Square and Pearson’s correlation coefficient tests. Results: Providing maternal health care during pregnancy and up-grading occupational status of parents significantly reduced child mortality rate (P<0.05). Child mortality rate increased in mothers of <18 and >35 years (P<0.05) and parents desire to have male infant (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that up-grading occupational status of parents, maternal health care and maternal age and desire to have male infant play important role on the child mortality rate in Khuzestan province in south west of Iran.
Salehi M, Mirbehbahani Nb, Jahazi A, Aghebati Amlashi Y,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Objective: Thalassemias is the most common inherited disease in the world. This study was designed to assess general health of patients with beta-thalassemia major in Gorgan, northern Iran. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 163 patients with beta-thalassemia major whom referred to Thalghani hospital in Gorgan, northern Iran. Socio-Psychosocial status of patients was assessed by using general health questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28). Results: Socio-Psychosocial status of 44.2%, 46% and 9.8% of patients was normal, suspected and suffered from psychosocial disorders, respectively. Social dysfunction (12.9%) and depression (10.4%) were the most prevalent and anxiety was the less prevalent (4.9%) in the patients. There were significant correlations between psychosocial status and mother’s ocupation (P<0.05), patients level of education (P<0.05) and history of associated diseases (P<0.05). Conclusion: Social dysfunction and depression were the two major general health complications in beta-thalassemia patients in this region.
Ahanjan M, Abdollahi S, Abdolian H, Mohammad Nedjad Z ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2014)

Background and Objective: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a common pathogen responsible for health-care-related infections. This study was done to determine the prevalence of Meticilin - resistant Staphylococcus isolated from hand and nasal of hospital health worker. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 148 health workers in teaching hospitals in Sari, northern Iran during 2011-12. Samples were collected from fingers and noses and were cultured on mannitol salt agar immediately. Suspected colonies were identified using Gram staining, catalase and coagulase tests. Susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion method. Methicillin resistant strains were determined using micro dilution broth method. Results: Staphylococcus aureus was observed in 24 (16.2%) of individuals. 9.5% of population was resistant to Methicillin. The high portions of Staphylococcus aureus carreier were in the operation room, angiography and internal pediatric ward health worker. Methicillin Staphylococcus aureus resistanat were more common in nasal samples of the operation room personal and angiography ward health worker. All strains were sensitive to Vancomycin and Chloramphenicol and resistant to Penicillin and Amoxicillin. Conclusion: In this study the prevalence of the Staphylococcus.aureus in teaching hospitals health worker was low while Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin was higher than other reports in Iran.
Arabgol F, Derakhshanpour F, Panaghi L,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2016)

Background and Objective: Child abuse is a common phenomenon with variety of reasons; the most important one is mother psychiatric disorders. Concurrent interventions in the family can recover the mother and reduce child abuse. This study was done to evaluate the effect of therapeutic intervention on general health of child abused mothers. Methods: This clinical trial study was conducted on 57 children and their child abused mothers whom referred to child psychiatry and pediatric department of Imam Hossien hospital, Tehran, Iran during November 2009- April 2010. Children and their families were visited by a psychiatrist and depend on the child and the family after either pharmaceutical or psychological interventions was taken. Parent management training was done for all mothers in 8 weekly sessions. General health questionnaire were filled by mothers before intervention in the third and sixth months following the intervention. Results: Total score of general health, depression and anxiety of child abused mothers were 31.3±1.90, 5.26±0.66, 8.10±0.46, respectively. It was significantly increased after six months intervention in comparison with pre-intervention (37.3±2.34, 7.48±0.72, 10.44±0.58, respectively). Conclusion: Appropriate therapeutic intervention and parent management training for mothers can improve general health of child abused mothers.

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