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Showing 9 results for Female
M.jahanshahi (msc), Mj.golalipour (phd), K.haydari (msc), Volume 7, Issue 2 (10-2005)
Background&Objective: The evaluation and measurement of human body dimensions are achieved by physical anthropometry. Cephalomerty is a branch of antrompometry Science, in which the head and face anatomical are measured. With respect to its importance in legal medicine, plastic surgery, radiology, anatomy, orthodency and industry, this study was set up to determine and compare the face shapes in Fars and Turkman ethnic groups of normal female adults. Materials&Methods: This study was a descriptive-and cross-sectional study which was carried out on 410 girls of 17-20 years of age in two ethnic groups of native Fars and Turkman. The length and width of girls face were determined by using classic cephalometry techniqre. On the basis of this method, the shape of faces was subdivided in five interrational groups. Subsequently the prevalancy and the shape of faces in the ethnic group of Fars and Turkman were compared. Results: The prosopic (facial) indices of Fars and Turkman groups were 84.55.8 and 81.55.2, respectively. Dominant shape of face in Fars group was euryprosopic (37.7%) and in Turkman group was euryprosopic (51.7%). Rare shape of face in Fars and Turkman groups were hyperleptoprosopic (5.8%) and leptoprosopic (3%) respectively. Conclusion: This study showed that the face shape is affeiced by ethnical factor and primarily by genetic factor.
Jalali Aria K (msc), Nahidi F (msc), Amir Ali Akbari S (msc), Alavi Majd H (phd), Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2010)
Background and Objective: Adolescence is a critical period which has physical, sexual and psychosocial changes. Scientists believe that adolescent must aware from necessary knowledge at critical time, because unawareness causes more sexual deviation. Thus in this study parents and teacher's view had been assessed about the best time and appropriate method for reproductive health education for female adolescents. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study 400 parents and 50 teachers from girls' high school were chosen by multiple sampling in Gorgan-Iran. Information collected by a questionnaire which consisted of two parts of demographic characteristics and polling which contains three parts: fertilization and pregnancy, family planning, HIV and STDs. Descriptive statistic was used for analysis the Data by SPSS-9 software. Results: 43.5% of mothers and 38.5% of fathers believed that the best time for fertilization and pregnancy education is at marriage time, and 46% of teachers believed grade III high school and pre- university is suitable time. Majority of teachers and parents believed that the best time to teach family planning is at marriage time. 32% of mothers believed that the most suitable time. for teaching HIV and STDs is grade 3 at high school and pre- university but about 30.7% of fathers and 38% of teachers noted the best time is grade I and II at high school. About the most suitable education method, 45% of mothers and 44% of teachers believed that attending a midwife at school is necessary. Conclusion: This study showed that majority of parents and teachers agree with reproductive health education during high school and marriage time and they mentioned that the best education method should be done at school with attending a midwife as a counselor.
Sobhani Shahmirzadi M , Mirzaeian B, Mansoori M, Volume 15, Issue 2 (7-2013)
Background and Objective: The relation between stress and gastrointestinal diseases, particularly irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), has received consideration for years. This research was conducted to compare the attachment styles and coping strategies in IBS and healthy female students. Materials and Methods: This case – control study was conducted on 50 female students with irritable bowel syndrome and 50 healthy students in Gorgan, Iran druring 2011. Age, grade and major were similar in both cases and controls. ROME III criteria questionnaire, together with a physician report confirmation were used to diagnose IBS. All attendants in the study filled in Rass adult attachment scale questionnaire and Lazarus coping strategies questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS-17 and student t-test. Results: In the IBS group the level of ambivalent (9.78±2.72) and avoidance (7.68±1.76) attachments were higher than the control group (8.1±2.65 and 6.56±1.82 respectively) (P<0.05). The most prevalent attachment style in control group was the secure style (11±3.89). There was a significant statistical difference between female of IBS group and control group regarding the mean±SD of coping strategies including: isolation (7.04±2.44, 5.9±1.95), self-control (9.62±2.39, 8.32±1.6), demanding social support (5.54±1.6, 6.92±2.42), evasion – avoidance (9.64±2.81, 6.8±1.37), solving the problem (8.2±1.85, 6.66±1.7), re-evaluation (16.2±1.81, 14.3±1.61) and taking responsibility (5.67±1.41, 4.5±1.58) (P<0.05). the direct coping strategy in IBS and control groups was 63.76±9.76 and 67.58±10.78. This difference was not significant. Conclusion: This study showed that in comparison to healthy female students, subjects with IBS use more ambivalent and avoidant attachment styles.
Naghinasab Ardehaee F, Karami A, Javan M, Seifi M, Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Background and Objective: Body psychotherapy technique (BPT) is a program teaches to deal more effectively with stressors. This study was done to evaluate the effectiveness of body psychotherapy technique on the stress and salivary cortisol level in high school girl students. Methods: In this randomized clinical trials study, thirty 15-18 years old female students were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. BPT group was given to the intervention group in nine sessions during two months. Cohen stress scale was used perior and the end of study to determine the scale of stress. Perior and at the end of study, salivary samples of subjects were collected directly after getting up in the early morning , 15, 30 and 45 minutes later on to measure salivary cortisol level. Results: The mean of stress scale scores and salivary cortisol level in the intervention group significantly reduced in comparison with the controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: Body psychotherapy technique reduces stress scale scores and salivary cortisol level in high school girl students in Gorgan, northern Iran.
Darzi Sheikh Z, Ghorbani Marzooni M, Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2015)
Background and Objective: By increasing the number of athletes, sports-related injuries are increased and of those lower extremities injuries are more common. This study was done to evaluate the relation of sole arch index and static balance in female athletes with lower-extremity injury. Methods: This case – control study, was done on 18 female athletes without a history of lower extremity injury which were considered as controls and 18 female athletes with a history of lower extremity injury in past two years which were considered as cases. Static balance and sole arch index were evaluated using stork stand and Chippaux-Smirak index tests. Results: Static balance with open eyes was 16.10 seconds and 26.53 seconds in cases and controls (P<0.05), whereas, there was no significant difference in static balance with closed eyes and sole arch index between cases and controls. Conclusion: Poor static balance with neuromuscular control deficit can consider as lower extremity injury in female athletes.
Gharaei A, Erahimzadeh A, Salimi Khorashad Ar, Jorjani O, Jamshidi A, Shah Bakhsh A, Noornia T, Volume 17, Issue 2 (7-2015)
Background and Objective: Vulvovaginal candidiasis or Candida vaginitis is a common fungal infection among adult women during reproductive ages and it is the second most frequent infection of the female genital tract. This study was carried out to determine of the prevalancy and species of vulvovaginal candidiasis and related clinical findings. Methods: This descriptive - analytical study was carried out on 400 women whom reffered to gynological center in Chabahar city in South-East of Iran during 2013. Vaginal samples were examined with direct microscopy and cultured on sabouraud dextrose agar and corn meal agar. Germ tube test and sugar assimilation test were carried out to differentiate the Candida species. The clinical findings including burning and itching during intercourse, burning with urination, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, vaginal deliveries, pH of the vagina, cervix appearance, consistency and color of vaginal in patients with vaginal discharge were recorded. Results: The prevalence of vulvovaginal candidiasis was 45.8%. Isolated candida species were candida albicans with 80.87% and Candida non-albicans with 19.13%. There was significant correlation between itching (85.52%) and burning during intercourse (67.87%), hypogastric pain (80.53%) with vulvovaginal candidiasis (P<0.05). 73 patients (39.9%) reported urinary burning. The most common affected by vulvovaginal candidiasis was with marriages age of 11-20 years old (P<0.05). Conclusion: The most common isolated species was candida albicans. The common clinical findings were burning, itching, smelly discharge, vaginal parity.
Azarniveh Ms, Tavakoli Khormizi Sa, Volume 18, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Background and Objective: Sleep is an important component of the circadian cycle is associated with the restoration of the physical and mental faculties. Physical activity is one of the confounding factors in improving sleep quality. This study was done to determine the effect of physical activity on quality of sleep in female students.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 370 female students in Zabol University in south-east of Iran. Demographic data through a questionnaire were collected for each subject. Sleep quality and physical activity of subjects were recorded using standardized questionnaire Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) and physical activity Beck test. Subjects according to physical activity divided into active and inactive groups.
Results: Poor sleep quality was seen in 25.2% and 67.4% of active and inactive students, respectively. Mean of Sleep quality in both groups active 5.73±3.22 and inactive 7.21±3.75 was inappropriate but sleep quality in active females was higher than inactive females (P<0.05). A favorable condition for the quality of sleep was seen in 65.7% of the active group with BMI<25 and only 9.1% of students BMI was more than 25. In inactive students, 60.8% of subjects with BMI<25 had poor sleep quality. Both levels of BMI, sleep quality was significantly different between the groups, but this difference was higher in the active group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Poor sleep quality was seen in high percentage of female students and physical activity influences the quality of sleep.
Mehri Esfahani , Seyyed Mojtaba Aghili , Volume 22, Issue 1 (3-2020)
Background and Objective: Depression is the most common psychiatric diagnosis. It causes major health problems. Women are more likely to develop depression than men. This study was done to investigate the effect of group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on reducing depression and improving the quality of life of female students.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 26 female students. Students non-randomly were divided into control and intervention groups. Students in intervention group were received the two periods (8 sessions, 2 hours at week) of training in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. All the participants filled out Beck depression inventory II (BDI-II) and World Health Organization Quality of Life – BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) in perior and after the study.
Results: In the intervention group the mean and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test scores of BDI-II was 20.23±6.98 and 13.38±4.97, respectively (P<0.05). In the intervention group, mean and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test scores of WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was 66.77±13.39 and 86.84±10.60, respectively (P<0.05). Also, the mean scores of post-test of quality of life in all subgroups items was significantly increased in compared to the pre-test in the intervention group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy increases the quality of life and reduced depression in female students.
Koroush Kardar , Mohammad Khademloo , Maryam Sefidgarnia Amiri , Maryam Zarrinkamar, Volume 23, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Background and Objective: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neuropsychiatric disorder that can be time-consuming and cause considerable disruption to routine activities, occupational functioning, social activities, and relationships with others. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder among high school girl students.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was done on 342 high school female students in Amol city, northern Iran in the academic year of 2018-19. Cluster random sampling mehod was applied in this study. The Maudsley OCD Questionnaire was used for screening and the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Questionnaire was used to confirm obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Results: 98 students (28.7 %) had positive symptoms. The highest frequency was related to slowness and repetition (37 cases), followed by doubting (36 cases), repetitive checking (35 cases), cleaning (31 cases), and finally rumination (12 cases). Among the 98 screened individuals, 67 were positive based on the Yale-Brown questionnaire. Severity of the obsessive compulsive disorder was mild in 37 cases (55.2 %), moderate in 21 cases (31.34%) and severe in 9 cases (13.43%).
Conclusion: The prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder observed in one-third of high school students in the area.