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Showing 4 results for Employee
Shohreh Kolagari, Homeyra Khoddam, Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2007)
Background & Objective: Job satisfaction is the one of factors that affected by leadership style of managers and can effect on health organization practice. The aim of this study was to determine relation between leadership styles of nursing managers and rate of nursing employees' job satisfaction.
Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 720 nursing employees of Gorgan Medical teaching centers during 2006. Leadership style and job satisfaction were main variables of study. Data gathering tools were questionnaire of demographic characters, job satisfaction and standardized Bark's leadership style. Gathered data were analyzed by c2, Mann-Whitney and ANOVA statistical tests.
Results: The most of participants (74.3%) were women, nurses (86.6%) with the mean age of 32.7±7.32 years. The rate of satisfaction in the most of nursing employees (79.8%) was low and moderate. 63.2% of participates believed that their nursing managers had transactional leadership style and 34.9% of them said nursing managers apply transformational leadership method. Data analysis showed that nursing managers have transactional leadership, had higher job satisfaction rate (88.01 V.S 86.36). This difference was not significant.
Conclusion: This study showed that, there is not statistical relation between leadership styles of nursing managers and rate of nursing employees' job satisfaction.
Kamaleddin Abedi (msc), Mohsen Zare (msc), Mohsen Rahiminezhad (msc), Ebrahim Valipour (bsc), Abolfazl Barkhordary (phd), Gholam Hossein Halvanee (msc), Seyyed Jalil Mir Mohammady (phd), Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2009)
Background and Objective: Aircraft as a safe means of transportation may cause occupational diseases and hearing loss. Prevention should be implemented for airport employee. This study was done to detemine the scale of hearing loss among Isfahan airport employees in 2005. Materials and Methods: This historical cohort study was conducted among Isfahan International airport employees. 80 employees were selected in four different case groups, the control group consist of two sub-gourps. The sub-group I (18 subjects) including the adminstrative airport employees (low noise exposed) and the sub-group II (32 subjects) including non-airport employees (non-noise exposed). The sound pressure level was measured and equivalent level (Leq) was calculated for all groups. Also the history of participants about past noise exposure and other confounding variables was detrmined by a questionnaire. Pure tone audiometry was carried out on conventional frequencies (0.5-8 KHz). Results: The mean age of subjects was 40.03±9.75 and 37.85±8.15 for exposed and non-exposed groups respectively. Leq (noise equivalent level) for Ramp and traffic workers was estimated more than 95 dBA. 35.7% (n=10) of Ramp workers were suffering in their right ear from noise induced hearing loss (26-40dB) and 32.1% (n=9) of them in their left ear. Relative risks of noise induced hearing loss in Ramp workers in comparison with control group were 9.4 and 7.5 for right and left ears. A siginificant difference was found between the hearing thresholds of exposed and non-exposed groups (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that occupational exposure to noise cause hearing loss among airport employee. It is suggested strategies of noise assessment and prevention should be implemented for airport employees.
Derakhshanpour F, Mahboobi Hr, Keshavarzi S, Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2014)
Background and Objective: Domestic violence is the most common against women with negative effect on mother’s health, family, children and society. This study was performed to determine the prevalence of domestic violence against women in Bandar Abbas, Iran. Methods: This descriptive cross - sectional study was conducted on 500 women referred to Shahid Mohammadi hospital in Bandar Abbas, Southern Iran. Violence and physical injuries were recorded for each woman using a questionnaire. Results: Domestic violence was reported in 460 (92 %) women. The mean age of women was 33.80±8.64 years. The mean years of marriage were 10.53±7.83 years. 389 (77.8%), 102 (20.4%) and 9 (1.8%) of women were housewive, employee and self employee, respectively. 14 (2.8%) women had addiction background. The most common type of violence against women was psychological (54%), followed by verbal (31%), physical (24.8%) and sexual (6.8%). Level of education and addiction in the families were the main factors in domestic violence. Conclusion: Psychological violence is the most common type of domestic violence and it is related to the level of education and addiction in the families.
K Samimi , Hr Mokarami , S Tontab Haghighi , E Taban , M Yazdani Aval , R Maasoumi , Volume 18, Issue 3 (10-2016)
Background and Objective: Changing of lifestyle in women and increasing their social activity especially in working places can affect women’s sexual quality of life (SQOL). This study was done to determine the affecting factors on sexual quality of life among hospital employee's women.
Methods: This descriptive - analytical study was carried out on 121 women who work in the two hospitals in Sabzevar city and Birjand city in Iran during 2014. Data was collected using two questionnaires including the Iranian version of sexual quality of life-female (SQOL-F) questionnaire and a researcher-made measure to assess demographic characteristics, health related, and work-related variables.
Results: The mean±SD score of SQOL-F was 80.1±19.7. The univariate analysis showed that the mean score of SQOL-F significantly related with age (P<0.05), duration of sleep (P<0.05), marital duration (P<0.05), educational level (P<0.05), and physical activity (P<0.05). The regression modeling indicated that educational level (β=0.33), marital duration (β=0.32) and quality of sleep (β=0.56) were predictors of SQOL-F scores.
Conclusion: This study showed that educational level, marital duration and quality of sleep were predictors of SQOL-F scores among hospital employee's women.