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Showing 26 results for Anxiety
Sh.hosanei (m.d), Mh.mosavy (m.sc), Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2004)
Background & Objective: There are a tramandous changes are happened after a person entered to the university. This period considered to be a very deligate part of student life. During this phase usually there are anxiety and combination of other problems, which could affect health status of the person. The mental health considered a high ranking items among the different groups in one society, especially more when we are talking about the medical sciences students, because these students are goings to look after other people health in the community, the health status of medical and paramedical students should be seriously taken into consideration. On the basis of these facts, this research has been set-up to investigate the mental health status of trainee medical and paramedical students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Materials & Methods: This research project was an descriptive analytical study on all of the medical and paramedical trainee students in 2nd term of the academic year 1999-2000 of Mazandaran University. The basis for this research’s was the questionnaires which contained the personal demographic and also GHQ tests. Results: The GHQ test was set up on physical disability, sleep disorder, anxiety and unsociable. In 2 groups of students and there was no differences between the 2 groups, in dimension of depression the prevalence among the medical students was more than para-medical student, that this difference was significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: In regard to the results of this research and the steady increase of mental problems numbers of suspected cases among the students, in addition to the attention of health authorities. The establishment of student’s advisory unit is required.
Sa.taziki (m.d), M.sadeghifar (m.d), N.behnampour (m.sc), Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2004)
Background & Objective: The most common disorders in psychiatry are anxiety disorder. The onset is from adolescence through early adulthood. Some people due to various reasons are susceptible to these disorders, such as airport tower’s controller. This study was done in order to determine anxiety level and its relationship with some variables such as age, length of employment, gender, education, marital status, cigarette consumption, physical training and employment satisfaction. Materials & Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive analytical study, which was performed on all of the controller personals (101 samples) during spring 2003, at Tehran Mehrabad Airport, control towers controllers. They were studied by using an anxiety questionnaire. The relationship between anxiety level was determined by 8 independent variables. Results: The findings from this study indicated the following results: Undetectable minor anxiety (22.8%), mild intermediate anxiety (52.5%) and high-very high anxiety (24.8%). Conclusion: According to the results from this study. The employment satisfaction could play an important role, in preventing the anxiety. In this sensitive job, the personal attention and concentration is of upmost importance, any factor that disrupts, this concentration should be prevented, otherwise unwanted accidents may happen. Therefore it is suggested that the responsible authorities select, the appropriate persons and provide them with a good and satisfactory job conditions to pave the way for the up grading the level of immunity in air flight.
Q.mahmoudi (m.sc), H.azeemi (m.sc), M.zarghami (ph.d), Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2004)
Background & Objective: Anxiety and assertiveness lead to disorder achievement, destroying intelligence and learning abilities, decreasing thinking attention and declining talents. It causes damage to individuals, family and community. Several therapeutic procedures suggested such as drug therapy for solving anxiety and increasing assertiveness, one of none drug therapy (Behavioral therapy) is assertive training. In respect of contradiction of any results in the field of assertive training, we decided to design and carry out the present study. Materials & Methods: In study of field trial, first, we distributed overt and latent Spilberger’s anxiety questionnaire and Gambrilrichy’s assertive questionnaire among all nursing student’s of nursing and midwifery department of Nassibeh in Sari by sensus, and a number of 60 students with anxiety ranging were from moderate to sever with low assertiveness were selected, after matching than on the bases of sex, degree of interesting, course of study the degree, anxiety and assertiveness, they are divided in case and control group equally. For case group, assertive training performed during 6 weeks, once in a week for half an hour and no training is considered for control group. Degree of anxiety and assertiveness of nursing students in control and case group assessed and compaired by the use of couple T-test. Results: Couple T-test’s presented that decrease of overt and latent anxiety of nursing students in case group pre and post assertiveness training was significant (Latent anxiety, T=7.68, overt anxiety, T=4.97, P<0.05) on the bases couple T-test, increase of assertiveness degree in control group in pre and post assertive training was significant compairing to control group (T=-9.93, P<0.05). Conclusion: Regarding that increasing anxiety and decreasing assertiveness has undesirable effect on job performance, individual achievement and ability and with respecting to usefulness of assertive training procedure in decreasing anxiety and increasing assertiveness, it is suggested that assertive training is used as an on therapeutic procedure for decreasing anxiety and increasing assertiveness for nursing students.
Roohy Gr, Rahmany A, Abdollahy Aa, Mahmoody Ghr, Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2005)
Background&Objective: Surgery is an important stressor which makes some harmful physiological reactions shuch as high blood pressure, tachycardia, and repiratory distress. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of music on the anxiety and some of physiological responses of patients before abdominal surgery, as assessed by objective parameters and a subjective validated questionnaire. Materials&Methods: This study is a semi-experimental study. Total of 134 subjects was randomly assigned to undergo either 20 minutes of music intervention or a rest period. The level of anxiety was measured using Spilberger questionnaire and physiological responses, arterial blood presure, heart rate and respiratory rate. Subjects in intervention group listened to 20 minutes music by Johann Sebastian Bach. The control group listened to no music. The anxiety level and physiological responses were measured before and after intervention. Results: There was no significant difference between the anxiety level and physiological responses in two groups of subjects before intervention. The findings indicate a significant statistical difference in the level of anxiety and mean of arterial blood pressure in the intervention group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in heart and respiratory rate in two groups of subjects. Conclusion: As indicated by the results of this study, music can provide an effective method of reducing potentailly harmful physiological responses arising from abdominal surgery, therefore it is suggested to use it before surgery.
Aa Vafaei, Aa Taherian, A Rashidy-Pour, Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2007)
Background & Objective: Bombesin (BBS) is a tetra-decapeptide amino acid neuropeptide in central nervous system within a variety of mammalian species. Also it has many biological effects that may be effective in modulation of anxiety. The aim of present study was to determine the effect of BBS on modulation anxiety reaction in elevated plus maze (EPM) in mice.
Materials & Methods: 60 male mice (25-30 g) were used in this study. Bombesin in doses of 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 µg/kg IP or saline was injected in different groups 10 min before of evaluation. Five minutes later for increase of activity, animal was put in black box for 5 min. Then each animal in regulated time transferred to standard elevated plus-maze and the time spent in the open arms and the ratio of open arm entries during 5 min, were measured. The data analyzed by using ANOVA and Tukey test.
Results: BBS in dose dependently manner increase which the anxiety reaction in mice. Animals had spent lower time and ratio of open arm entries in compare with control group significantly (P<0.05) and BBS only in dose of 1.25 µg/kg did not showed significantly effect.
Conclusion: This study indicated that Bombesin in dose dependently manner have important role in modulate anxiety reaction in EPM in mice.
Mohammadreza Rabiee, Shayda Kazemi Malek Mahmodi, Shima Kazemi Malek Mahmodi, Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2007)
Background & Objective: At least about 30 percentage of children hospitalize in hospital in their childhood. Hospitalization of children cause anxiety, due to separation from their parents ,fear of new environment, disabilities and continuation of life. This study was done to determine the effect of music on the rate of anxiety among 9-12 years old hospitalized children.
Materials & Methods: This semi experimental study was done on sixty 9-12 years old children who are confined to bed in Taleghani hospital in Gorgan north of Iran during 2002-3. 60 of children were divided to 2equal groups of intervention and control randomly. The tools of gathering data including information questionnaire, patients demographic, state – trait anxiety inventory for children Spillberger (STAIC), face anxiety children examined scale Piyeri (FACES) information was compared before and after the intervention the collect. For intervention group, 2 music therapies listening of music section, for the 2 continuous days and each section lasted for 20 minutes. The collected data before and after intervention were analyzed by using Kolmogrov-Smironov, c2, independent-sample T test, Wilcoxon signed Ranks, Bartlet and Mann Whitney test.
Results: There was not any difference between the average of state anxiety and amount of face anxiety in both group before execution of music therapy but there was a significant difference for the intervention group after the music therapy (p<0.05). Also the decrease in the rate of anxiety in intervention group can related to the executing of music therapy.
Conclusion: Music therapy reduced the rate of anxiety among the 9-12 years hospitalized children.
Ali Rashidy-Pour, Abbas Ali Vafaei, Ehsan Hesami, Abbas Ali Taherian, Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2008)
Background & Objective: Many evidence indicated that action of glucocorticoid receptors can modulate anxiety behaviors and these effects probably mediated by nitric oxide (NO) system. Thus, in this study, we investigated interaction between corticosterone and NO on anxiety behaviors in mice in elevated plus maze (EPM).
Materials & Methods: In this experimental study male albino mice (25-30 g) were used. A standard EPM was used to determine anxiety behaviors. Two behavioral measures were used that include of the percentage of time spent in the open arms and the ratio of open arm entries to total entries during 5 min. Animals received IP injection of L-Name 30 mg/kg as an inhibitor or L-Arginine 50 mg/kg as a synthesis of NO or saline 60 min and corticosterone (1, 2.5, 5 mg/kg) 30 min before of evaluation.
Results: Analysis of data indicated that corticosterone at doses of 1 and 2.5, but not 5 mg/kg significantly reduced anxiety behavior in mice (P<0.05). Also pretreatment of L-Name potentiate but injection of L-Arginine had inhibition of corticosterone effects (P<0.05).
Conclusion: This study revealed that glucocorticoid induces anxiolytic effects and these effects probably potentiate by NO inhibitor and reduced by NO synthesis. Therefore, it seems that there are interaction between of glucocorticoid and NO system for control of anxiety behaviors.
Hossein Miladi Gorji (msc), Ali Rashidy-Pour (phd), Yaghoob Fathollahi (phd), Abbas Ali Vafahi (phd), Abbas Ali Taherian (md), Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2008)
Background & Objective: The effects of acute and chronic exposures to opiate drugs on anxiety process are controversial. Acute morphine injection showed the beneficial effects on anxiety. Morphine withdrawal induced severe anxiety response in morphine dependence rats. Whereas, the effects of chronic administrations of morphine on anxiety process are less studied. Furthermore, this study was designed to assess the role of morphine dependence on the level of anxiety in Rat. Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, Twenty male Wistar rats (250-300 gr) were made dependent by chronic administration of morphine in drinking water that lasted at least 21 days. Control groups received only sucrose in their water. This study utilized the elevated plus- maze model to evaluate anxiogenic-like behavior in rats. Four fundamental behavior patterns were recorded for 5 minutes: the time spent on open arms, the number of entries into open arms, stretched-attend posture and defecation. Immediately after test, the locomotor activity of each animal was tested by using an automated activity monitor system. The data were analyzed by independent t-test and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Finding indicated that the time spent on open arms and the numbers of entries into open arms were significantly shorter in morphine dependence group than control group (P<0.05). Also, the numbers of stretched-attend posture and defecation were significantly higher in morphine group (P<0.05). Whereas, there were no significant differences between groups in locomotor activity. Conclusion: This study showed that dependent rats may rapidly predispose anxiogenic- like effects in stressful conditions and without the effect on motor activity.
Vafaei Aa (phd), Miladi-Gorgi H (msc), Moghimi Hr(md), Ameri M (md), Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2010)
Background and Objective: Several investigations have indicated the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effects and smooth muscle relaxant activity of Cassia species. This study was done to determine the effect of Cassia fistula on sleeping time and the level of anxiety in mice. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 80 male albino mice (25-30 g) randomly allocated in 8 groups. For measuring the sleeping time we used the Angle method and animals were divided into three experimentals (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) and one control group. For evaluating of anxiety levels, animals randomly were divided into three experimentals and one control group, and elevated plus maze (EPM) model was used. The evaluation of anxiety indices included number and percent of time spent in open arm. Different doses of the aqueous extract of Cassia fistula (250, 500, 1000 mg/kg IP) were injected intraperitoneally to the treated groups. Controls were recived 10 ml/kg/BW normal saline intraperitoneally in both methods. Results: The extract of Cassia fistula (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) significantly increased sleeping time [F (3, 39)=23.19, P<0.05]. Also open time [F (3,39)=15.55, P<0.05] and the number of open arm entries [F (3, 39)=24.21, P<0.05] were significantly in doses (250mg and 500 mg) were singnificantly more than control group, respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that the aqueous extract of Cassia fistula fruit incerase the sleeping time and deereasing level of anxity in mice.
Vahidi S , Khalili M, Kiasalari Z, Yaghoutpoor E, Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Background and Objective: Anxiety and depression are experienced following addicted patients durg withdrawal. This study was done to determine the effect of methadone and valproate combination on morphine withdrawal-induced anxiety and depression in male mice. Methods: In this experimental study, ninety-eight male mice were allocated into acute and chronic categories. Animals in acute chronic categories allocated into seven groups including: saline, morphine, methadone (10 mg/kg/bw), valproate (150 mg/kg/bw), three groups of valproate+methadone, in of ratio 1:1, 2:1 and 1:2. Animals were received escalating dose of morphine for 8 consecutive days except saline group. In chronic group, drugs were injected for 30 minutes before morphine administration, while in acute group the drugs were used only at day 8. Anxiety and depression due to naloxone injection (5 mg/kg/bw) was investigated by elevated plus-maze, tail-suspension and open field tests. Results: In the chronic group, valproate + methadone (2:1) combination therapy showed a significant increase in the percentage of open arm entries (53.86±1.9) and percentage of time spent in the open arm (58.58±4.15) compared to the morphine group, with a percentage of entering (28.12±2.03) and percentage of time (17.88±1.77) (P<0.05). In open field test, the ratio of the number to the duration of time spent in the central square, in the combination therapy groups of methadone+valproate (27±2), valproate+methadone (1:2) and valproate+methadone (2:1) were significantly increased in compare to the morphine group (P<0.05). In tail-suspension test, duration of immobility as an indicator of depression, in the treatment group of valproate+methadone (2:1) was significantly reduced (P<0.05). Conclusion: Valproate and methadone combination therapy particularly in ratio of 2:1 can reduce morphine withdrawal-induced anxiety and depression in animal model.
Niksokhan M, Hedarieh N, Najafifard Maryam, Najafifard Masoomeh, Volume 16, Issue 4 (12-2014)
Background and Objective: Anxiety is a common psychological disorder. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of hydro-alcholic extract of Pimpinella anisum seed on anxiety in male rat. Method: In this experimental study, 42 male Wistar rats, randomly allocated into six groups including: negative control group (no injection), positive control (saline) and experimental groups (receiving doses 100, 200, 250, 300 mg/kg/bw of hydro-alcholic extract of Pimpinella anisum seed, intraperitoneally). Indices of anxiety including time spent in open arms and number of open arm entries were evaluated using elevated plus maze, 30 minutes after injection. Results: At doses of 250 and 300 mg/kg/bw of hydro-alcholic extract of Pimpinella anisum seed, the time spent in open arms of maze were significantly increased and the time spent in maze close arms were decreased in compared to controls (P<0.05). At dose of 300 mg/kg/bw of Pimpinella anisum seed extract, number of open arm entries increased in compared to control group (P<0.05). None of the doses showed any significant effect on locomotor activites. Conclusion: Hydro-alcholic extract of Pimpinella anisum seed with dosage of 250 and 300 mg/kg/bw reduces anxiety in male rats.
Arabgol F, Derakhshanpour F, Panaghi L, Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2016)
Background and Objective: Child abuse is a common phenomenon with variety of reasons; the most important one is mother psychiatric disorders. Concurrent interventions in the family can recover the mother and reduce child abuse. This study was done to evaluate the effect of therapeutic intervention on general health of child abused mothers. Methods: This clinical trial study was conducted on 57 children and their child abused mothers whom referred to child psychiatry and pediatric department of Imam Hossien hospital, Tehran, Iran during November 2009- April 2010. Children and their families were visited by a psychiatrist and depend on the child and the family after either pharmaceutical or psychological interventions was taken. Parent management training was done for all mothers in 8 weekly sessions. General health questionnaire were filled by mothers before intervention in the third and sixth months following the intervention. Results: Total score of general health, depression and anxiety of child abused mothers were 31.3±1.90, 5.26±0.66, 8.10±0.46, respectively. It was significantly increased after six months intervention in comparison with pre-intervention (37.3±2.34, 7.48±0.72, 10.44±0.58, respectively). Conclusion: Appropriate therapeutic intervention and parent management training for mothers can improve general health of child abused mothers.
Nikbakht Ha, Aminisani N, Hosseini Sr, Asghari Jafarabadi M , Ahoei Kh , Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2016)
Background and Objective: Colorectal cancer can significantly cause physical, psychological and social problems. This study was done to determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with colorectal cancer in Babol located in north of Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional, analytical study was done on 120 (75 males, 45 females) patients with colorectal cancer which registered in the Babol cancer registry in north of Iran during 2008-12. A questionnaire containing demographic information, aspects of the disease and HADS questionnaire was completed by interviewing to assess anxiety and depression for each patient. Results: The prevalence rate of depression and anxiety in patients was 23.4% and 30.8%, respectively. Gender, residency of rural area, and having comorbidities are related to depression among which location was identified as an independent predictor. Urban residency had 79% less risk of depression than rural residents (95% CI=0.06-0.67, OR=0.21, P<0.009). Gender, resident of rural areas, unemployed, having comorbidities, low income and lack of education were associated with anxiety, among which only education was identified as an independent predictor (95% CI=1.32-13.81, OR=4.27, P<0.015). Conclusion: The prevalence of anxiety and depression in colorectal cancer patients was high in this area. Therefore, interventions are recommended to increase awareness and greater attention to rural women and controlling comorbidities.
Baghban Boosari M, Mousavi Sv, Nemati Sh, Rezaei S, Volume 18, Issue 2 (6-2016)
Background and Objective: Patients with psychological disorders including depression, anxiety and patients with choronic psychological diseases are not suitable for cosmetic rhinoplasty.This study was done to evaluate the mental health status before and after cosmetic rhinoplasty.
Methods: This quasi- experimental study was done on 100 women and men with mean age of 26.85±6.60 which candidated for cosmetic rhinoplasty. Subjects filled out psychological disorder symptom questianare (SCL-90-R) before and 3-6 months after cosmetic rhinoplasty.
Results: Women had more symptom (P<0.05) of depression (7.24 versus 10.79), somatization (4.64 versus 7.35), obsessive-compulsive (5.67 versus 8.51), interpersonal sensitivity (5.48 versus 7.52), anxiety (5.26 versus 8.07), symptom distress index (0.58 versus 0.79) and totally positive symptoms (32.29 versus 41.06) in comparison with men. The main effect of time factor showed that there was not significant difference between symptoms of psychological disorder before and 3-6 months after cosmetic rhinoplasty. Interactional effect of gender and time was not significant for each psychological disorder symptom.
Conclusion: The differences of deviation of psychological disorder symptoms, before cosmetic rhinoplasty and 3-6 months after cosmetic rhinoplasty were not significant. This finding can denotes existence of psychological symptoms before cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery strengthens psychological symptoms in women the assessment and psychological intermediate with the aim of reducing psychological symptoms especially at time range of 3-6 months should be done.
F Golaghaie , D Hekmatpou, M Vafaie , M Rafeie , F Rafiei , Volume 18, Issue 3 (10-2016)
Background and Objective: Hospitalization of patients in the intensive care units frequently results in anxiety of the family members. This study was performed to investigate the effect of a family-centered clinical intervention on the anxiety of family members of the patients hospitalized in intensive care units.
Methods: In this clinical trail study, eighty family members of the patients hospitalized in the intensive care units were randomly divided into interventional and control groups, respectively. In the interventional group, the family members were allowed to be present at the bedside from the second till the sixth day.The participant's level of anxiety was assessed in the second and the sixth day of patient's hospitalization using hospital anxiety and depression scale. Oral information about the equipment and the regulations and, a daily information card consisting of treatment and care activities, vital signs and patient's level of consciousness was delivered to the participants and their questions were answered.
Results: In the the sixth day, there was a significant difference between the mean anxiety scores in the intervention (11±3.22) and control group (7.05±3.44) (P<0.05). Also, the frequncey of anxiety in the interventional group (56%) was significantly higher than the control group with 15% (P<0.05). The odds ratio for anxiety in sons/daughters was lower than other family members in the sixth day (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Providing information, presence at the bedside and participation in the care of their patient increase the anxiety of family members in the first week of patient hospitalization in the intensive care unit.
Majid Mahmoud Alilou , Touraj Hashemi Nosratabad , Faeze Sohrabi , Volume 19, Issue 4 (12-2017)
Background and Objective: General anxiety disorder is one of the chronic disorders in the general population and population with clinical symptoms. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of combined treatment based on acceptance and commitment in the treatment of women with generalized anxiety.
Methods: This multi-faceted, single-subject interventional study was performed on four women with generalized anxiety disorder whom were refered to psychiatric center in Iran. The subjects were selected through targeted clinical sampling by structured diagnostic and clinical interviews based on DSM-V mental disorder diagnostic and diagnostic guidelines. The efficacy of the treatment protocol in three stages (baseline, 12 sessions and 6 week follow up) was assessed using the GAD-7 questionnaire, the Penn State worry questionnaire (PSWQ), and the general scale of anxiety severity and pain (OASIS).
Results: Reduction of symptoms of general anxiety disorder, anxiety, anxiety and performance impairment in patients with generalized anxiety disorder were significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Combination therapy based on admission and commitment and coping techniques is effective in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder in women.
Masoomeh Rahimi , Akram Sanagoo , Zeynab Al Sadat Fatah , Naser Bahnampour , Leila Jouybari , Volume 20, Issue 1 (3-2018)
Background and Objective: Dyspnea is the main cause of hospitalization of patients with heart failure and it is often associated with anxiety. This study was conducted to determine the effect of Chamomile tea on the severity of dyspnea and anxiety in patients with chronic heart failure.
Methods: This randomized clinical trial study was conducted on 60 patients with chronic heart failure in an outpatient clinic of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Iran during 2014. Patients were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. Subjects in intervention group consumed Chamomile tea for 4 weeks. Oxygen cost diagram (OCD) and Beck anxiety inventory were recorded for each subject.
Results: The mean of severity of dyspnea in the intervention and control groups was 16.66±5.76 and 29.43±13.1, respectively (P<0.05). The mean anxiety severity in the intervention and control groups was 12.07±1.1 and 6.7±6.2, 20, respectively (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Chamomile tea can reduces the severity of dyspnea and anxiety in patients with chronic heart failure.
Mohsen Jalali, Mohammad Reza Shaeiri , Rasoul Roshan , Gholamreza Chalabianloo , Volume 20, Issue 2 (7-2018)
Background and Objective: Anxiety disorder (AD) is one of the most common children disorders. In last two decades, several studies conducted to determine the mechanisms of child anxiety disorder specifically in base of neural mechanisms. However, studies about the electrophysiology of child anxiety disorder particularly in the quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) are less than imaging studies. This study was performed to compare the quantitative EEG between children with anxiety disorder and normal subjects.
Methods: This case- control study was done on 30 children with anxiety disorder and 30 normal healthy children with 6-7 years old. Electroencephalography was recorded for each subject. Power of 19 channel and 5 frequency bands delta, theta, alpha, beta and high beta (25-30 Hz) in the frontal, central and occipital area were recorded, respectively.
Results: There was significant difference in delta absolute power in frontal lobe, theta and beta2 absolute power in central and high beta wave in occipital area between AD and normal children (P<0.05). In other words, the delta absolute power in frontal lobe and theta and beta2 absolute power in central area of brain was less in AD children in compared to normals. Also, the high beta absolute power in occipital lobe was more in AD children in compared to normals.
Conclusion: Recorded QEEG in relax time is a proper index of brain cortex metabolic activity. Therefore, low metabolic activity in particular parts of brain is determined by increasing slow waves power (delta and theta) or decreasing fast waves power (alpha and beta).
Majid Zamani , Mohsen Jalali , Elnaz Pourahmadi , Volume 21, Issue 2 (7-2019)
Background and Objective: Childhood behavioral and emotional problems may be continus to puberty, even extend to elderly. This study was carried out to determine the role of family accommodation of child symptoms, parenting style and parental stress in prediction of anxiety disorder in children with 6 - 10 years old in Golestan province, north of Iran.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study 300 children with 6-10 years old and their mothers were selected by randomized cluster sampling method during 2017. The questionnaires of family accommodation scale-anxiety (FAS-A, 2013), parent stress index-sort form (PSI-SF, 2000), Bamerind parenting styles questionnaire 1973 and Spence child anxiety scale-parent form (SCAS-P, 1998) were completed by the mothers.
Results: Increasing family accommodation and parenting stress significantly correlated with increasing children anxiety (P<0.05). The authenticated childbearing style by parents significantly correlated with reducing the anxiety in children (P<0.05), but authoritarian parenting and permissive parenting by parents significantly correlated with increasing the anxiety in children (P<0.05). Authenticated childbearing style along with authoritative parenting style, parental stress and family support could predict 49% of children's anxiety (F=97.91, P<0.0001).
Conclusion: Authoritative and authoritarian parenting, parenting stress, family accommodation has an effective role in predicting children's anxiety.
Tahmine Miri Sargazi , Ahmad Mansouri , Volume 21, Issue 2 (7-2019)
Background and Objective: Generalized anxiety disorder is a prevalent, chronic and disabling mental disorder. This study was done to compare the effectiveness of mindfulness based on stress reduction therapy and neurofeedback training on the clinical symptoms of individual with generalized anxiety disorder.
Methods: This clinical trial study, was done on 20 individual with generalized anxiety disorder referring to counseling centers in the city of Neyshabur in north-east of Iran during 2017. The subjects were randomly divided into mindfulness based on stress reduction therapy and neurofeedback training. The first group participated in 8 sessions of mindfulness based on stress reduction, while second group participated in sessions of neurofeedback training. The participants completed generalized anxiety disorder 7-item scale, Penn state worry questionnaire, intolerance of uncertainty scale and metacognition questionnaire.
Results: Both the two methods were effective the reducing the generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, worry, negative belief about worry and intolerance of uncertainty (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between mindfulness based on stress reduction therapy and neurofeedback training in reducing the generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, worry, negative belief about worry and intolerance of uncertainty.
Conclusion: Both of the two methods including the mindfulness based on stress reduction therapy and neurofeedback training are effective in reduction of the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.