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Showing 6 results for Aids

G.r.mahmoudi (m.sc), S .a.hossani (m.sc),
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2000)

The word human population has been terrified nay AIDS. The barbers are persons that work with sharp tools. If their instruments become infected, they can transmit the infection to others. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the barber’s knowledge, attitude and performance about AIDS prevention. This project is a descriptive study on 150 selected barbers. The methodology of research was a set up questionnaires, that have been completed by the barbers. The results showed that, their knowledge, performance about the AIDS are moderate (50%, 48.43%) and their attitude are weak. Performance among men and women is significant (P?0.02) in addition correlation between knowledge and attitude, attitude and performance are significant, according to the duration of working as barber (P?0.01). In general knowledge, attitude and performance among barbers are weak, therefore it is suggested that health and hygienic official teach the barbers how to behave in this regard.
V.kazeminejad (md), R.azarhoush(md), A.mowlana(md), Gh.dehbashi(msc),
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2005)

Background&Objective: Consultation prior to blood donation and screening tests of common blood born diseases such as Hepatitis B,C and AIDS are very important issue in blood quality assurance, therefore we decided to compare frequency of such diseases in blood donors and outpatients admitted in the blood transfusion centers. Materials&Methods: For this purpose the initial tests including HBsAg, HCVAb, and HIVAb were performed on all blood donors and outpatients' blood samples in Gorgan transfusion center by ELIZA methods during 2003 and confirmatory tests including neutralization for HBsAg, RIBA for HCVAb and Western blot for HIVAb performed in condition where ELIZA report was positive. Results: The blood donor in this study had the following positive results: HbsAg 2.5%, HCVAb 3%, HIV 0.35%. The same indeces for the out patients were positive as follow: 13%, 8.3% and 2.04% respectively. The other finding from this investigation indicate that the blood donors positive cases with the ELISA technique were confirmed by Western blot 92%, 20.1% nad 0% for HBSAg, HCVAb, as HIV respectively. The confimatory results of the positive out patient's cases were as follow, 97%, 47% and 60% for HBSAg, HCVAb and HIV respectivley. Conclusion: This study reveals frequency of Hepatitis B and C and AIDS among outpatients which considered being high risk group are more than the blood donors. We conclude that the measurement of HBSAg by ELIAZ methodes in comparision to the HCV and HIV are more accurate.
Rogheieh Golsha, Gholamreza Roshandel, Rahim Rezaie Shirazi, Danyal Roshandel, Nafiseh Abdolahi, Ali Jabbari, Sima Besharat, Shahryar Semnani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2007)

Background & Objective: The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is in its third decade and has become a pandemic disease that threatens the world population. Educational programs are well known as the most effective strategy to preventing the AIDS. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitude of participants about AIDS and to test the effects of an AIDS education program on it. Materials & Methods: This case-control study was conducted during 2005. 149 Red Crescent personnel in Golestan, Iran. The sample subjects participated in a pre/post intervention study. The activity consisted of a workshop 90 minutes in length, in conjunction with educational material. A 13-item questionnaire was used as the gauging tool. Results: 47% of subjects had adequate knowledge about AIDS. Mean level of knowledge in post-test exam was significantly higher than pre-test one (P<0.0001). Individuals with higher educational level (high school and university) had lower knowledge in pre-test (P=0.001), but the difference in pos-test was not significant. A significant relationship was shown between the history of participation in previous AIDS education programs and subject's knowledge in pre-test (P<0.001). Conclusion: This study indicated that education program based on special traing considerably increase general awareness and attitde towards AIDS.
Etemad K (md,mph,phd Candidate), Heydari A (student of Msc), Eftekhar Ardabili H (md), Kabir Mj (msc, Phd Candidat), Sedaghat M (md, Mph),
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2010)

Background and Objective: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a definition of dysfunction of immune system in human that is induced by infection with a virus named human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The most high risk group in HIV infected people are intravenous drug users (IDUs) with unsafe sex. This study was conducted to evaluate knowledge and attitude of IDUs with unsafe sex about AIDS and relation with socioeconomic levels in Golestan province in North of Iran. Materials and Methods: This Cross-Sectional study was conducted on 134 IDUs in Golestan province during 2007. Samples were chosen by a random systematic method. Data was collected with interview by standard questionnaire. Data was analyzed by SPSS-16 and One-way ANOVA,T-test student, Kruskal-wallis, Mann-Whitney U and Kendall tests. Results: This study showed that 36.6% of samples had moderate knowledge about AIDS and 49.3% of them had negative attitude about AIDS. 67% of subjects had education between 6-12 years, 44.8% were married and 53% were jobless and without income. Level of knowledge had a significant relation with age (P<0.05) and education level (P<0.05). Older subjects had better knowledge. Level of knowledge in 25-34 years group was higher than other age. Well educated people had higher knowledge compared with low educated and illitrate subjects. Level of knowledge had a significant relation with attitude (P<0.05). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that 65% of subjects with high risk behavior on HIV/AIDS had a appropriate knowledge about transmission of HIV, but half of these population have a poor HIV/AIDS attitude.
Pirzadeh A, Sharifirad Ghr ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (10-2012)

Background and Objective: Although acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a vital medical problem but it is more prominant as a personal behavior social cultural phenomenon. Adolescents have been identified as risk population in immune deficiency virus. Health education is only effective method to prevent AIDS. This study was carried out to determine the effect of educational program on knowledge and health belief model structures about acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) among high school female student in Isfahan, Iran. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study conducted on 72 female students whom divided equaly into case and control groups. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics, knowledge and health belief model. Educational interventions were performed in lecture and group discussion. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18, paired t-test and independent t-test. Results: There were no significant differences in knowledge, perceived severity, benefits and barrier in two groups before intervention. After intervention, there were significant increases in knowledge, perceived severity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers (P<0.05), in the intervention group, but there was not significant increases in perceived susceptibility. Conclusion: Education based on health belief model can improve knowledge, perceived severity, benefits and barriers in female student. More educational sessions are required for improving perceived susceptibility in high school female students.
Hamid N, Kaviany Brojeny A ,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Background and Objective: Cognitive behavioral therapy based on religion can increase the religious mind. This study was done to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy based on religion on depression and quality of life in patient with HIV/AIDS.

Methods: In this quasi -experimental study with pretest, post test and follow up with control group, 30 patients with HIV were non-randomly divided into intervention and control groups. Patients in intervention group were received 12 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy based on religion, but patients in control group did not receive any intervention. Beck depression test (BDI-II) and quality of life questionnaire (WHOQOL-Brief) were used.

Results: The rate of depression in intervention group significantly reduced in compared to controls (P<0.05). The rate of quality of life significantly increased in intervention group in comparision with controls group (P<0.05). These results significantly persisted after follow- up period (P<0.05).

Conclusion: The cognitive behavioral therapy based on religion is effective on decrease of depression and increase of quality of life in patients with HIV/AIDS.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گرگان Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences
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