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A.tabbarai (m.sc), E.ghaemi (ph . D), M.r.fazeli (ph.d), S.bakhshandeh Nosrat (m.d), N.behnampour (m.sc), M.basori (b.s), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2001)
Golden Staphylococci is one of the most common factors in skin and systemic infection. About 30% of people are carrying this bacterium in their skin and nose. Increased drug resistance in this microorganism and consequent infection, has gained the attention of scientific organization. Therefore we decided to determine the prevalence of nose carrier of this bacterium in healthy children in Gorgan schools. During the winter 1998 to March 1999 the sample has been taken from 1193 student’s nose with sterile cotton swab. These results showed that in 194 samples (16.3%) Staphylococci Aureus has been isolated, from these samples 114 cases belong to girls (16.1%) and 80 cases were boys (16.4%) that there is not a meaningful variation between them. The number of bacteria isolated from the villages children was 109 cases (17.6%) and in town’s children were 85 cases (14.8%), also this difference didn’t show significant difference. The prevalence of carrier among the 6-12 years old was 12-25.3%, which has got a significant meaning (P<0.001). Antibiotic resistance in the isolated S.aureus were tested and result showed that 34.8% of samples are resistant to Methicilin and 1.7% were resistant to Vancomycin, only 4% were sensitive to Penicillin. Therefore with regard to the results of this investigation, further researches are recommended in relation between strain’s of S.aureus that isolated from carrier’s and strain’s that isolated from patients and to determine their drug resistance in this region.
A.r.mirahmaizadeh (m.d), M.r.kadivar (m.d), R .ghane Shirazi (m.d), M.fararooei (m .sc), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2001)
Drug addicts, especially those practicing injection, are regarded as a major high-risk group for HIV infection. This study was performed to determine the burden of infection in 1061 drug addicts residing in the rehabilitational camp of Shiraz. In 1998, a survey in 1061 randomly selected drug abuse residing in the rehabilitational camp of Shiraz were performed in which demographic and other required data were collected using a questionnaire and samples from each subject were tested for anti-HIV by ELISA-II and then western blot. Overall, 0.76% of subjects were positive for anti-HIV detected by ELISA-II, 1.2% among intravenous and 0.33% among non-intravenous drug abusers, which, being several hundred times more than the prevalence in the general population. Points to the fact that drug addicts must be regarded very high-risk irrespective of their principle method of drug use. The high prevalence among non-intravenous addicts also may be indicative of the possibility that they have practiced high-risk injection sometimes during the period of addiction or imprisonment. Due to the low number of positive cases, no relation could be established between the age, duration and method of drug abuse, history of imprisonment, job, tattooing, marital status and HIV infection. Authors recommend widespread education of the community and drug abuser population in order to reduce the prevalence and spread of infection in addicts an the society, active case-finding among drug abusers, particularly before their referral to rehabilitational centers and developing control measures along with educational program to prevent the residents of these centers from access to drugs and practice of high-risk methods such as needle-sharing.
M.j.golalipour (ph.d), K.haidari (m.sc), M.jahanshahi (m.sc), M.a.vakili (m.sc), A.r.moharrery (m.sc), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2001)
Anthropometric dimensions are basis for evaluation of newborns’ health. In respect of importance of anthropometric indices of head and face in forensic medicine, surgery, pediatrics, medical imaging, … . We achieved this study. Determining range of head and face dimensions in normal one-day old female newborns on Fars and Turkman races. This descriptive and cross-sectional study is achieved on 423 normal one-day old newborns (Turkman group: N=211, Fars group: N=212) by classic cephalometry method. Mean and standard deviation of cephalic and prosopic indices in Fars group were 78.63±4.7, 74.3±11.5 and in Turkman group were 77.85±8.7, 81.6±9.8 respectively. Dominant and rare types of heads in Fars group were mesocephalic (42%) and hyperbrachycephalic (9%) and in Turkman group were mesocephalic (39%) and hyperbrachycephalic (8%) respectively. Dominant and rare types of face in Fars group was hypereuriprosopic (71%) and hyperleptoprosopic (4.24%) and in Turkman group were mesoprosopic (39%) and hyperleptoprosopic (1.89%) respectively. This study determines the types of head and face in normal female newborns in Fars and Turkman groups and determines the effects of racial factor on the diversity of head and face shapes in normal newborns.
K.khajavishojaii (m.sc), S.parsay (ph.d), N.fallah (m.sc ), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2001)
Pregnancy is the great physiological stress during of women’s life and cause the most importance change in their biological state. This physiological stress arising from fetus needs and thus increase pregnant women requirement to energy and nutrients in comparison with non-pregnant women. Nutritional continuous training caused increase of women knowledge by additional foods side, for poor mother, provide maternal and child health, so this survey has been done to determine knowledge rate, attitude and practices of pregnant women in Tehran, nutritional knowledge, attitude and practices in 315 pregnant women were assessed in 10 hospitals of Tehran. A structured questionnaire was used for this purpose. This research showed, 60% of women had low-level nutritional knowledge. In the attitude part of this research data showed 71.4% of women had positive attitude toward changes to improve the quality of their diet, and 87.6% of women had positive attitude toward dairy consumption eating during pregnancy. But 69.8% of women had negative attitude about Iron supplement. There was significant relation between level of education and attitude toward Iron supplement. Nutritional knowledge of pregnant women is weak so that the effects in their practice. Therefore nutritional training is necessary during pregnancy by physician.
S.a.hosaini (m.sc ), H.bazrafshan (m.d), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2001)
Cerebrovascular accident has been defined as some neurologic changes due to lack of cerebral blood supply. CVA is the most common CNS disorder and the third factor resulting in death in western countries. Unfortunately, the exact statistic data of the risk factors causing this disorder, in Iran isn’t available. In order to show these factors, this descriptive study has been done on CVA patients in one year. Data gathering was performed by a questionnaire including 17 questions. The questionnaires were filled by the patient’s bedside via using patient’s records, patient’s relatives and patient himself. Data analysis indicated the results such as: Average age of 66, the greatest frequency of Fars race (86%), pre-existing hypertensive disorder (64%), FBS=152 and the highest incidence of sensory and motor disorder. Consequently, applying some educational program can be useful in decreasing the intensity of the agents causing CVA, reducing stroke and its harmful effects and performing rehabilitation program.
B.khodabakhshi (m.d), M.haidari (m.d), M.r.faseli (ph.d), E.ghaemi (ph.d), M.sadeghkarimi (m.d), Volume 3, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2001)
Gastro-enteritis due to Vibrio Cholera was increased suddenly in summer of 1998 in our country. In this research we studied epidemiological and clinical features of Cholerae patients. Vibrio Cholera isolated from 189 (3.3%) patients from 56II stool samples. 182 (96.2%) Vibrio Cholera O1 isolated. 46 (24%) patients with positive stool cultures for Vibrio Cholera were hospitalized. 50% patients were 15-45 yrs. No sex predominency was seen. The important observations in this study including: Fever in 28.1% (13) of patients, sever leukocytosis in 15% (7) of patients, RBC in stool in 33% (15) of patients. Fever and neutrophilia and RBC in stool probably shows co-infection with order intestinal pathogens or different serotypes of Vibrio Cholera with new characteristics. So we are recommending extensive research to be done on serotyping of all of the isolates of Vibrio cholera and other intestinal pathogens simultaneously.
S.m.raayegani (m.d), D.shafickani (m.d), M.h.bahrami (m.d), Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2002)
One of the methods for CTS diagnosis is to compare distal motor latencies between median and ulnar nerves. In the previous research distal motor latency (DML) of ulnar nerve was recorded from hypothenar area and the median nerve DML was recorded from thenar. In this research we recorded DML of ulnar nerve from thenar area and compared it with DML of median nerve. The aims of this research is to shorten the process of electro diagnosis by preserving the sensitivity. The type of the research is diagnostic clinical trial on 42 normal person and 64 patients with CTS that referred to department of physical medicine and rehabilitation of Shohada Tajrish Hospital in fall and winter of 2000-01 participated in this research. The result of the research is analyzed by student T-test method. The DML of ulnar nerve recorded from thenar in normal persons was 3.52±0.5 ms and the difference between median and ulnar nerve recorded from thenar was 1.23 ms. The P-value of the study were less than 0.0001 that is significant thus this method can be used for diagnosis of CTS.
P.pourabdollahi (m.sc), N.rabeti (b.sc), H.kooshavar (m.sc), Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2002)
It is generally recognized diabetes in more prevalent in women than men, besides that there is a close relationship between diabet, type of obesity and body fat distribution. In a descriptive-analytical study, 100 diabetic women aged 30-60 years old referring to diabetic clinic compared with 100 healthy subjects who were similar to the sample group with respect to age and sex. The results showed that BMI of majority women on both groups were in the range of 24.9-29.9, on the other hand 33% of women in control group and 26% patients suffered from the grade one obesity. Minimum ratio of waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) in patients was 0.72 and in healthy women was 0.47. In control group 90% and in healthy subjects 74% of women suffered from upper-truncal obesity (WHR>0.8). A significant difference was found (P=0.04) between the WHR ratio in women control and healthy group. To prevent the fat distribution in the area of stomach and upper truncal, increasing activity and dietary control are suggested.
E.mobsheri (m.d), A.tabbraei (m.sc), E.ghaemei (ph.d), M.mojerloo (m.d), M.a.vakili (m.sc), M.dastforooshan (ph.d), S.m.gholamei (m.d), Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2002)
Urinary tract infection is common disease in pregnancy and most symptomatic infection with grate danger for fetus and mother’s. This study has been done to determine the prevalency of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women in Gorgan in 2000. Mid-stream urine from 900 pregnant women was obtained. Urine analysis and culture for all of them have been done and positive cultured (Isolated bacteria with 100000-colony count) was antibiogramed by Kerby Buer method. Out of 900 urine specimen 3.7% of samples had positive urinary tract infection. The common organism isolated was E.coli (33.3%), Coagulase negative, Staphylococci (30.3%) and Klebsiella (15.2%). There was not a significant correlation between age, pariety, pregnancy age, fresh urinary infection and asymptomatic bacteriuria but there was a significant and correlation kidney stone between bacteriuria. Anti-microbial sensitivity pattern demonstrates more sensitivity of strain with Amikacin and Gentamycin. Although prevalence of bacteriuria in this (3.7%) lower than other studies in this country but for their severe sequele. This phenomen should be taken into more consideration further investigation in other part of the country should be done to face the probable difficulties.
E.kashani (m.d), N.s.borghei (m.sc), Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2002)
Abdominal sonography is a best method to defined implantation site of placenta. Determination of placental site is very important if the aggressive method is to be used this study design to define implantation site of placenta in 1585 pregnant women whom referred 28 wk to sonographic center to Deziani Hospital in their third trimester with routine prenatal care. Collection of data perform in nine month and the data was collected by interviewing the pregnant women using a checklist and questionnaire. The results from this investigation show that 51.79% of placenta located in fondoanterior 31.23% fondoposterior, 12.11% posterior another in lateral position and 0.18% of placenta was previa.
Sh. Alimohammadei (m.d), Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2002)
Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary loss of urine, which is a social and hygienic problem. The study is about quantity of stress incontinence in high school 15-17 years old girl during (1999-2000). This is a descriptive cross-section study. From 711 cases, 454 (76.4%) did not have urine stress incontinence (USI) and 166 (23.6%) had this problem. From these 166 members 24.1% were 15 years old, 35.8% were 16 years old and 40.1% were 17 years old. Therefore with increasing age we have more urine stress incontinence and the most prevalence of USI occur during laughing predisposing factor for USI is urinary tract infection (UTI) and trauma to hip. 27% of these girl’s mothers had USI and the population was chosen by cluster sampling. Therefore genetic factor could be a cause. The most presentation of USI is in the estrogenic phase and we didn’t have any USI report in the progestronic phase. According to our results the incidence of USI among 15-17 year girls students was 23.6%.
M.saeedi (m.sc), S.bakhshandeh Nosrat (m.d), E.ghaemi (ph.d), S.m.hedayat Mofidi (m.sc), F.kohsar (m.sc), N.behnampour (m.sc), Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2002)
Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a ubiquitous, obligate intra cellular protozoan Toxoplasma Gondii. Based on serological evidences, Toxoplasmosis infection is a widespread disease with regard to this fact and because to the occurrence of congenital Toxoplasmosis infections due to asymptomatic infections in pregnant women, determination of the rate of Toxoplasma antibodies (IgG, IgM) before pregnancy and finding the involved factors in increasing Toxoplasmosis prevalence seems to be necessary. This study was a cross-sectional and descriptive study and sample population was the women referred to marriage consultation the prevalence of Toxoplasma antibodies (IgG, IgM) was determined by ELISA method. Blood sample were collected randomly from 300 women referred to the center for consultation in 2001 and they was transferred to the laboratory for antibodies determination. The results showed that the general prevalence to the positive cases based on high titer of IgG was 48.3% and of IgM was 11.7%. There was not any relation between positive cases and age, education, place for residence, job, keeping domestic animals (Except cat) vegetable consumption and wash-up, but there was a relation between positive cases of IgM and keeping cat at home (P?0.025). More over 51.7% of pregnant women in Gorgan were seronegative and the were prone to acute Toxoplasmosis during their pregnancy. The results of this study confirm that the determination of the diagnostic Toxoplasmosis is an necessary test during pregnancy.
E.alijani (m.sc), M.shekarabi (ph.d), M.kamgooyan (m.sc), S.arshi (m.d), M.jafari-Modrek (m.sc), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2002)
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which plays a major biological function in immune response, is generally associated with so many human disease. During recent years a new clinical relevance of MHC disease. On the other hand there is a strong correlation between some autoimmune diseases and MHC system such as in some allergic abnormalities and its relation with HLA antigens. In order to investigate this concept 30 atypic asthmatic patients and 100 healthy controls were selected. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing was performed by standard NIH procedures and the results analyzed. The frequency of HLA-A2, A11, Aw19 and HLA-B51 decreased in atypic asthmatic patients with no association recorded significantly between HLA-C and allergic asthma. The results of our study indicated that there was a significant relationship between allergic asthma and HLA-I antigens.
Hr.joshaghani, M.jalali, As.lotfi, E.javadi, Ar.bandegi, Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2002)
Liver is an important organ with major role in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids metabolism. In addition, secretion and excretion of toxic materials occur in this organ. Exposure to a variety of infectious agents such as parasitic, viral, bacterial or toxic materials may lead to liver damage. Today, one of the best way for investigation and diagnosis of liver damage is measurement of some liver enzyme such as Alanine Aminotransferase (GPT or ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (GOT or AST). Since, these enzymes exist in other tissues, measurement of other specific enzyme is required. In this study activity of Ornithine Carbamyltransferase (OCT), the second enzyme in urea cycle, in 56 patients with liver problem (Cirrhosis and viral hepatitis) was determined. SGPT, SGOT, Alb, Bil, ?GT and ALP tests were performed. To assess the health and unhealthy liver in both control and sample groups. Our data shows a correlation between activity of OCT with SGOT (R=0.782, P<0.001) and with SGPT (R=0.857, P<0.001). Since OCT enzyme is specific for liver, further investigation of activity of this enzyme in assessment of other liver problems is required.
S.bahashti (m.d), S.a.sharifian (m.d), R.mahrdad (m.d), Sh.hosseininia (m.d), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2002)
Solvent exposure can affect human health. It can cause different effects in different part of the body. One of the most important side effects is neurobehavioral symptom including mood disorders, short memory, and tiredness. To determine the frequency of neurobehavioral effects in patients of a car producing plant in Tehran and comparing them with other workers in the same plant whom was not being exposed to such solvents. All of car painters (78 persons) as our case group and 83 non-painters as our control group were selected by simple random sampling and neurobehavioral abnormality was assessed by Q16 questionnaire. Neurobehavioral disorders based on above questionnaire was observed in 46% of car painters vs. 36% of non-painters (P=0.10). The significant differences were observed in perspiration without any particular reason (Q8) and feeling irritated without any particular reason (Q4). There was not a significant difference in observed frequency of neurobehavioral abnormalities in patients vs. non-painters, however both of these frequencies were higher than expected frequency reported in other reports.
E.ghaemi (ph.d), K. Ghazisaidei (ph.d), H.kohsarei (m.sc), B.khodabakhshei (m.d), F.kohsar (m.sc), N.behnampour (m.sc), M.basorei (b.sc), M.babaei-Kochaksaraei (b.sc), Sh.bahmanyar (m.d), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2002)
All the different kind of Mycobacterium species except Tuberculosis Leprae and Bovis are considered as environmental Mycobacterium, which usually can be isolated from sand, water and dusts. In addition to the role of their pathogenesis, they can stimulate the immune systems. The immune mechanisms following Mycobacterium environmental contamination can be either protect or destroy the immune system when facing the disease related to the Mycobacterium. The Golestan province has got 2 regions from the point of view of TB epidemy, it is higher in the east. The aim of this project is determine the prevalency of various types and strains of environmental Mycobacterium in the east and west of the region. The samples were collected from both regions from the wet sand, and muddes covered with grass and following their preparation they were cultured on the Lowen Stein Jenson. The total of samples were 220 from these 120 samples were from the region with epidemy of TB out of these we had 25 samples with positive culture (20.8%) and 47 type of mycobacterium were isolated, the most common forms of them were Mycobacterium Fortuitum (34%), Mycobacterium Flavesens (21.2%), Mycobacterium Chelonae (12.8%). From 100 samples taken from the region with low epidemy of TB 66 samples were with positive culture (66%) which 114 strains of Mycobacterium were diagnosed. The most common forms of these microorganisms were Mycobacterium Flavesens (20.1%), Mycobacterium Chelonae (18.4%) and Mycobacterium (16.6%). In conclusion in all the Golestan province without taking notice the TB epidemy form 220 samples 91% were positive culture (41.2%) which 161 different strains were diagnosed out of these the most common were Mycobacterium Fortuitum (21.8%), Mycobacterium Flavesens (20.5%) and Mycobacterium Chelonae (16.8%). The epidemy and variousity of environmental Mycobacterium in the region with low epidemy were much higher than the region with high epidemy and in regard to that these differences are due to the bioenvironmental factors. So therefore this can indicate that the possibility of higher contact between the immune systems and the environmental Mycobacterium. These Mycobacteriums can act as Booster of BCG vaccine which can continuously stimulate the immune systems and this can help the body’s proper responses when facing with the TB Mycobacterium.
Sh.kolakari (m.sc), A.sanakoo (m.sc), F.mirkarimei (m.sc), N.behnampour (m.sc), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2002)
Stress is applied to the collection of somatic, emotional and mental reaction, which can disturbed the equilibrium in human beings. One type of stress is work in dependent stress environment, which can affects on personnel due to its internal stressful factor. The object of this research is to investigate the rate of stress in operating room personnel and its relationship with some relevant factors. The present study has been done on 104 personnel of operating room in hospitals belong to the Gorgan Medical Sciences University. The tools for collection data were questionnaire, which contained demographical variables, physical and mental environment stress factors in operating room life stress scale. The results from this investigation indicated that 54.4% of all personals had a mild stress. The stress factors present in the operation room were inconvenient smells the highest with 76% uncooperated team work was the other factor with 29.7% and personnel equipment was (42.6%) it become clear from this investigation that there is a reverse between stress and demographical variables, of stress has a meaningful relationship with age (P=0.01) and years of service in the operation room which means as the age and working in the operation room increased the level of stress decreased. According to the results from this investigation it is suggested therefore to use the old and well-experienced staff to work in the operation room to avoid such problems.
N.sharifi (m.d), K.ghafarzadegan (m.d), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2002)
Hydatidosis is a parasitic infection mostly in found in the liver and lung due to echinococus species. But occurrence in other locations is possible. Purpose of this report is to describe a case of bilateral Hydatid cyst in ovaries. Clinical findings with this uncommon location are poorly specific and diagnosis required histologic examination after surgical removal. Imaging and serology is useful to differentiate Hydatid cyst from benign and malignant tumors. This obligatory to examine lung and liver as the main sites of cyst when you are being faced with unusual location of Hydatid cyst especially in endemic area such as Iran. Our patients was a 35 years old woman with history of 4-month abdominal pain in left and right lower quadran. Sonography showed two cysts in adenexal lesions after surgical removal, they were sent to pathology lab. Hydatic cyst membrane was seen in histologic examination of two cystic masses.
M.m.hasanzadeh-Tahery (m.sc), M.r.nikravesh (ph.d), M.jalaly (ph.d), A.r.fazel (ph.d), Volume 5, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2003)
Background and Objective: Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins of plants or animal origin, which react with terminal sugars of glycoconjugates of cells and tissues. Glycoconjugates play essential role in several biological phenomena such as Cell recognition, proliferation, migration and differentiation. Notochord, a mesodermal derivative, induces nearby tissues, including Neural tube, sometimes and developing gut. Materials and Methods: The purpose of this study was to investigate distribution of glycoconjugates in component of notochord and axial vessels during mouse embryonic development. Results: Formalin fixed sections embedded in paraffin from 9 to 14 embryonic days of Balb/c mice were processed for histochemical studies by using four different horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labeled lectins including: Glycin Max (SBA), Vicia Villosa (VVA) and Maclura Pomifera (MPA) specific for GalNac terminal sugar and Lotus Tetragonolobus (LTA) that bind to ?-L-fucose terminal sugar. Our results revealed that approximately similar reactions were observed in notochord and axial vessels endothelium by using GalNac sensitive lectins during vessels morphogenesis. Fucose sensitive lectin reacted only with the notochord. The time and significant role(s) in tissue interactions and subsequent formation of adjacent tissues such as: Axial vessels development during critical morphogenic period. Conclusion: Furthermore, our findings indicate that fucosylated glycoconjugates may have no role in axial vessel formation and/or their interactions with the notochord during early morphogenic period.
A.marjani (ph.d), M.mojerloo (m.d), Ar.mansourian (ph.d), R.azerhoosh (m.d), Mr.rabei (m.sc), Kb.kalavi (m.sc), Volume 5, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2003)
Background and Objective: Zinc and Copper are the important trace elements for human growth and body’s biological functions. These trace elements are the important cofactors of many enzymes. Serum variation of these trace elements are clinically important and should be taken into consideration, because fluctuation of these elements are behind many clinical manifestation in human. Diarrhea and vomiting can be the clinical symptoms associated with the toxic level of Zinc and Copper in the body. The concept behind this study is to determine the serum levels of Zinc and Copper in hemodialysis patients before and after dialysis, to explain the differences of such trace element concentration in these patients. Materials and Methods: This project is a comparative study. The sample population was 50 of hemodialysis patients chosen randomly from the patients referred to the 5th Azar Hospital in Gorgan (33 male and 17 female). The concentration of Zinc and Copper of these patients was determined before and after the dialysis. Results: The results from this research projects indicated that the average concentration of Zinc and Copper in hemodialysis patients after dialysis were 135.32±59.32 and 136.40±51.52 microgram/deciliter which markedly increase in compare to the serum concentration of these trace elements before the dialysis which were 78.38±37.46 and 89.92±32.54 microgram/deciliter respectively. On the basis of the results, we found in this study the average increased concentration of Zinc and Copper after the process of dialysis among the hemodialysis patients had a meaningful statistical variation (P<0.001). Conclusion: Uremia, dialysis blood tube, heavy metal contamination, the quality of dialysis membrane and the quality of water used for the process of dialysis can be a reason for the increased concentration of Zinc and Copper. Such increase in the serum concentration of these trace elements can be the basis for some clinical abnormalities. Therefore it is suggested to determine the rate of released Zinc and Copper from hemodialysis machine, before the procedure is done To enable the medical team to evaluate the serum Zinc and Copper and correct it by nutritional therapy.