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Showing 2 results for E.Ghaemei (Ph.D)
E.mobsheri (m.d), A.tabbraei (m.sc), E.ghaemei (ph.d), M.mojerloo (m.d), M.a.vakili (m.sc), M.dastforooshan (ph.d), S.m.gholamei (m.d), Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2002)
Urinary tract infection is common disease in pregnancy and most symptomatic infection with grate danger for fetus and mother’s. This study has been done to determine the prevalency of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women in Gorgan in 2000. Mid-stream urine from 900 pregnant women was obtained. Urine analysis and culture for all of them have been done and positive cultured (Isolated bacteria with 100000-colony count) was antibiogramed by Kerby Buer method. Out of 900 urine specimen 3.7% of samples had positive urinary tract infection. The common organism isolated was E.coli (33.3%), Coagulase negative, Staphylococci (30.3%) and Klebsiella (15.2%). There was not a significant correlation between age, pariety, pregnancy age, fresh urinary infection and asymptomatic bacteriuria but there was a significant and correlation kidney stone between bacteriuria. Anti-microbial sensitivity pattern demonstrates more sensitivity of strain with Amikacin and Gentamycin. Although prevalence of bacteriuria in this (3.7%) lower than other studies in this country but for their severe sequele. This phenomen should be taken into more consideration further investigation in other part of the country should be done to face the probable difficulties.
E.ghaemei (ph.d), Ma.vakili (m.sc), B.khodabakhshi (m.d), S.bakhshandehnosrat (m.d), S.aghapour (m.d), M.naeimei-Tabiei (m.d), A.tabrraei (m.sc), Sa.hosenei (m.sc), Volume 6, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2004)
Background & Objective: Approximately one-third of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB), which is a indicator of high distribution of these bacteria in our environment. The only vaccine currently available against TB is the attenuated Mycobacterium Bovis strain bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), which used regularly for many years to prevent the Tuberculosis in Iran and many part of the world. The efficiency of this vaccine varies in different populations, and is a matter for discussion. On this basis, the present study has been set up to determine the level of Tuberculin reaction in 4.5 months and in 7 years old children that receive BCG vaccine at birth time, in Golestan province. Materials & Methods: 2700, 4.5 month infant and 2400, 7 years old children in Golestan province were chosen by cluster sampling after the proper permission from the parents, public health centers and educational authorities were taken. The presence of the BCG scar were assessed, and 0.1 ml of 5 tu Tuberculin were injected subcutaneously. The induration was measured 48-72 h after Tuberculin injection. The results were determined as present and compare with T-test. Results: In these study 2559 infants and 2193 child were taken part in the final evaluation. The BCG scar were present in 97.9% of infants and 87.8% of 7 years children, this difference was meaningful. The average induration in 4.5 months babies were 2.29 mm, and in 7 years child was 0.66 mm, this difference was significant (P<0.05). More than 44.7% of babies and 82% of 7 years children didn’t show any reaction after PPD test, this difference was also significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The level of positive Tuberculin reaction in infants of this province in spite of vaccination was very low, and this level was reduced after 7 years time, this indicate that BCG vaccination at birth did not have any major role in positive Tuberculin reaction. Our results also indicate that the presence of scar can be a good indicator for previous vaccination. In regard to the negative Tuberculin reaction in majority of babies, it is suggested to evaluate the efficacy of BCG vaccine in preventing the TB disease itself, by other method such as studying the TB incidence among children in long term or by determination of cytokines level after Tuberculin injection.