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Showing 19 results for Bay
Dadgar T, Ghaemi E, Bazueri M, Asmar M, Mazandarani M, Saifi A, Bayat H, Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2007)
Background&Objective: Staphylococcus aurues is on important cause of community and hospital- aquired infections. Caused by methicillin or oxacillin- resistant s.aureus (MRSA) are mainly nosocomial and are increasingly from many countries word wide. Many attempt have been made by the reasearchers to find new compounds as a subsitute for this antibiotics. The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity of alcoholic extracts of 20 medical plants species of Golestan provience on clinical and standard strains of MRSA and MSSA and comprative and detect the best medical plant. Materials&Methods: In this study the compunds of the plant were extracted by percolation method and the effect of ethanolic extract of 20 Iranian medical plants against methicillin resistant and methicillin sensitve strains were assessed by disc diffusion method and each test were repeated 3 times and mean inhibition zone were recorded and then, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the extracts, that show good inhibition zone in disc diffusion method, was determined by the micro broth dilution method. Results: The results of antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extracts of 20 plants revealed that, the ethamlic extracts of 8 plants have the best effect on strains and the maximum mean inhibition zone was 22.4 mm and the lowest MIC of plants was 0.01 mg/ml. Conclusion: The result of this study indicate that, ethanolic extract of Eucalyptus. Global, Peganum.hermla, Punica.granatum, Berberis.vulgaris, Ttamarixaphylla, Nnigella.sativa, Hypericum.perforatum AND, Artemisia. Herbaalba have the best antibacterial effect against MRSA andMSSA. The result obtained from these plants might be considered sufficent for further study.
Bayany Aa, Koocheky Am, Koocheky Ghm, Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2007)
Background&Objective: Teacher’s mental health, due to its effect on the formation of attitude and mental health of students, play more important role than any other social-class. This research focuses on the extend of teacher’s mental health with various levels of education as its main objective. Materials&Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional research. Statistical population is comprised of all teachers in Golestan province who involved teaching at schools in the educational year of 1383-84. a sample of 535 teachers was obtained through multi-phase random cluster sampling. Symptom checklist questionnaire with a cut-point of 2.5 on each dimension and 1.3 cut-point for global symptom index (GSI) were considered in determining teacher’s mental disorder. Results: Finding showed %81.1 of teachers are of sound mental health and %18.9 of them (%21.8 in female and %14.9 in mal) seem to suffer at least from one of the symptoms of mental disorder. The sequence of disorder symptom prevalence was as follow: somatization %7.3, paranoid ideation %5.8 and depression % 4.9. the highest mental disorder was seen among elementary school teachers(%21.6) and the lowest among senior high school teachers(%14.9). a significant correlation coefficient between teacher’s level of education and overtime work with global symptom index(GSI) was seen(P<0.05). Conclusion: Result of study showed that the prevalence of mental disorders among Golstan teachers are medium and this finding are indicative of lower mental disorder among the teachers in Golestan province in comparison to the finding of similar researches done in other provinces.
Bayaneh Seidamini (msc), Azar Moradi (msc), Ayyoub Malek (md), Mehrangiz Ebrahimi Mamaghani (phd), Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2009)
Background and Objective: The obesity and overweight in the children of many developing countries have dramatically increased. Obesity is associated with numerous health problems. While children spend a significant amount of their time in school daily, the various aspects of children school-life such as academic achievement, social skills and attendance, can be affected by obesity and overweight. This study was done to determine the correlation between obesity and overweight with attention dificit in elementary school girls. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-cross sectional study was carried out on 300 girls student of 7-11 years old, in elementary schools in capital city of east Azarbijan cocated North-West of Iran in 2007. The samples selected based on body mass index and were classified by random sampling in three groups including, normal group, overweight group and obese group. The data, collected by child behavior check list (CBCL). The CBCL have 113 iteams, 9 iteams of them were designed for determination of attention dificit in children. The behaviors were scored on a 3-point ranging scale. SPSS-11.5 software and ANOVA statistical test were used to analyse the data. Results: The results showed that overweight group had greater scores in attention dificit scale than other groups and revealed a significant correlation between obesity-over weight and attention dificit (r=0.177, P<0.05). Conclusion: This study indicated a significant correlation between obesity and attention dificit. Prevention of obesity as a first step for prevention of behavioral problems, seems to be essentieal. The treatment of obesity may be a matter of dealing with behavioral problems in children.
Masoomeh Nazifi (msc), Fatholah Fathi Azarbayjani (phd), Minoo Ilkhanipoor (phd), Farah Farokhi (phd), Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2009)
Background and Objective: In recent years many studies have reported that aspirin could have beneficial effect on learning and memory in different diseases of central nervous system. The objective of present study was to explore the effect of aspirin on learning and memory of Rats in pentylenetetrazole kindling model. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study Rats were divided randomly into six groups (n=8). Animals in three groups received aspirin (15 and 30 mg/kg, orally) and saline, one week before and during induction of kindling, respectivley. Kindling was induced in these groups by administration of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ: 40 mg/kg, ip). Two groups of animals received only aspirin 25 and 30 mg/kg orally. Other group received only saline throughout the study and served as health control group. After induction of kindling the learning and memory of Rats was tested in shuttle box. Study was divided to three stages of adaptation, acquisition and retention test. Initial Latency (IL) time before electrical shock and Step through latency (STL) time, 20 min or 24h after acquisition was evaluated as learning and memory index. Locomotor activity was also evaluated in open filed test. Results: PTZ kindling significantly decreased Initial Latency and Step through latency time, 20 min or also 24h after acquisition, and aspirin significantly increased these times in kindled animals (p<0.05). Aspirin also had no significant effect on locomotor activity of animals. Conclusion: This study showed that the administration of aspirin to kindled Rats improved learning and memory impairments induced by pentylenetetrazole kindling.
Parvin Dokht Bayat (phd), Mohammad Reza Darabi (phd), Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2009)
Background and Objective: Low electromagnetic fields (LEMF) are produced by instruments which are works with electricity. This study was done to determine the effect of LEMF on fetal death and bone marrow megakaryocytes in NMRI mouse neonates. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study 64 females’ mice with 6-8 old weeks were used. 2 female mice coupled with one male, and positive vaginal plaque was interpreted as the zero day of pregnancy (GD=0). The pregnant mice were randomly categorized into control and experimental groups. The experimental group were exposed to50HZ, 0.5 mT Low electromagnetic fields on 7-11 days of pregnant period (8h/d). The weight of neonate and death fetus were studied after delivery. The live neonates were dissected on 15th day, and 1 ml of bone marrow was extracted from Tibia and vertebral column, by pressing method. The bone marrow cells suspended in 1:1 IMDM in 15cc (FULCON) tubule and cells was counted with neobar lam. The data were tested by t-student test significance was set up at p<0.05. Results: There was significant differences between the mean weight of one day neonate in cases with controls (P<0.05). The mean of dead fetus in experimental group was higher than controls (P<0.05). The mean of megakaryocytes numbers higher than controls, but this differences was not significant. Conclusion: This study showed that the number of megakaryocytes and fetal death were increased by low electromagnetic fields exposure during pregnancy.
Shamsi M (msc), Bayati A (msc), Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2011)
Background and Objective: Domestic violence can place mother and fetus at risk. This issue can be prevented through education and basic knowledge. This study carried out to determine the frequency and severity of domestic violence in pregnant women referred to health centers in Arak, Iran. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was done on 400 pregnant women referring in health centers in Arak North-West of Iran during 2009. This research was implemented through questionnaires including the demographic chracteristic aspects of physical violence, emotional, verbal and financial severity and the factors effected violence on pregnant women. Data was analyzed using Chi-Square, one way ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: The overall prevalence of violence during pregnancy was 34.5%. For this rate, 56%, 48%, 23% and 11% were emotional violence, verbal, financial and physical violences, respectively. Marrige age (P<0.035), partnership lenght (P<0.018), family history of marriage (P<0.001), education (P<0.001), occupation of woman and husband (P<0.001) with the outbreak of violence during pregnancy were significantly associated. Conclusion: This study indicated that the frequency of domestic violence in pregnant women is high, therefore it is sugested women clinic to be established to protect pregnant women suffering from domestic violence during pregnancy.
Rahimian Boogar I (phd), Bayani Aa (phd), Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2012)
Background and Objective: Identification of disorders frequency in adolescence stage has implications for child and adolescence psychiatry. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of DSM-IV behavioral disorders among 12-17 years pupiles of Golestan province during 2010-11.
Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive study, 1500 pupiles (715 boys and 785 girls) from schools of Golestan State were selected through stratified random sampling method. Demographical questionnaire and DSM-IV based behavioral disorders of Achenbach youth self-report scale (YSR) were recorded. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistic and nonparametric test of Chi-Square and calculation of Odd Ratio and 95%CI with PASW software.
Results: Prevalence of behavioral disorders among the sample population 12-14 years, 15-17 years and as total were 5.47%, 5.05% and 5.27%, respectively. Prevalence of somatic disorders and anxiety were 5.8% and 4.7%, respectively. Moreover, the difference between prevalence of conduct and ADHD disorders in males and females were significant (P<0.05). Odd ratio for both genders in prediction of conduct disorder and ADHD and for the scholastic grade in prediction of affective and anxious disorders was significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Total prevalence of behavioral disorders among the pupiles of Golestan province in Iran was 5.27%, which is approximately similar to the other studies in Iran.
Tadibi V (phd), Bayat Z (ma), Volume 14, Issue 2 (6-2012)
Background and Objective: The quality of life is advesly affected by type 2 diabetes as a serious metabolic disorder. This study was done to investigate the effect of aerobic training and drug intervention on quality of life in women with type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 52 women with type 2 diabetes divided into four groups including aerobic training with full medicinal doses (group I), aerobic training with half medicinal doses (group II), full medicinal doses without training (group III) and half medicinal doses without training (group IV). Subjects in aerobic training groups participated in 8 weeks training program. Duration of each training session was 45 minutes from the beginning and increased gradually until 105 minutes. Full medicinal doses included Metformin (500 mg) and Glibenclamide (5 mg). Half medicinal doses included Metformin (250 mg) and Glibenclamide (2.5 mg), daily. Subjects without training, did not participate in any physical activities. Quality of life was assessed using SF-36 questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18, ANOVA and t dependent tests. Results: There was no significant difference regarding quality of life between groups at pre-test. After the intervention, the quality of life in group I significantly increased (P<0.05). In group II, all subscales of the quality of life increased however, only social function was significant (P<0.05). In group III, all subscales of the quality of life decreased however, physical function, emotional and pain were significant (P<0.05). In group IV, the quality of life significantly decreased (P<0.05). Conclusion: Aerobic training with full medicinal doses could improved the quality of life in women with type 2 Diabetes.
Deilam Mj (msc), Gheraat Ma (msc), Azarbayjani Ma (phd), Aslani Katooli Ha (bsc), Volume 14, Issue 2 (6-2012)
Background and Objective: Increasing the intensity of training is one of the factors that improve the athletic performance. Evaluation of psychological and biochemical factors is believed to be beneficial for evaluating the effectiveness of training schedule. Previous studies have shown that there are various responses to the training intensity due to the level of athlete’s fitness and the kind of training. This study was done to investigate the effect of intensive training on salivary level of cortisol, testosterone, α-amylase and mood of elite adolescent wrestlers. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on fifteen adolescent wrestlers of Iranian national team during 2009. The subjects were under extension training for three weeks. The saliva samples were taken prior, first, second and third weeks of training to determine cortisol, testosterone and α-amylase level of salivary samples. Also, the Brahms questionnaire was used to assess the mood profile before and after the training. Data were analyzed using SPSS-14, ANOVA and student t-tests. Results: There was no significant differences of salivary cortisol (7.69±0.75, 8.1±0.93 ng/ml), testosterone (82.3±0.89, 64.2±1.7 ng/ml), α-amylase (98.81±1.35, 84.2±1.5 U/ml) level and mood (16.4±3.28, 20.08±2.91) of subjects prier and after training. Conclusion: This study indicated that the intensive training do not alter salivary hormons level and mood of elite adolescent wrestlers.
Darabi Mr , Bayat Pd , Volume 14, Issue 3 (10-2012)
Background and Objective: Electromagnetic waved generated by electronic industries and the increasing use of electrical appliances have led to higher rise in chronic exposure to extremely-low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF). This study was done to investigate the effects of low electromagnetic field on mice embryos development. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, eighty female NMRI mice were super ovulated and coupled with male mated over the night. Next morning the female mice with a vaginal plug were identified as pregnant mice. Animals allocated into 2 groups control group was not exposed to EMF and animals in case group exposed to 50 Hz and amp 1.2 mT EMF the pregnant mice were scarified by cervical dislocation at 24, 72, 81, 96, 110 and 120 hours. Embryos were subsequently obtained from the mice by flashing the fallopian tubule and uterus horn. Data were analyzed using SPSS-13.5, ANOVA and student’s t-tests. Results: The number of 2, 3-4 cells and 5-8 of embryo cells and blastocyst decreased in case group compared to controls, but these reduction were not significant. The number of morula in cases significantly reduced in comparison with control group (P<0.05). The average number of fragmented blastocyst in experimental groups siginficantly increased compared to control group (P<0.05). The number of inner cell mass and trophoectoderm in experimental group significantly reduced in comparison with controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: The exposure of extremely-low electromagnetic field in pregnancy reduces the number of morula, inner cell mass and trophoectoderm.
Zia Ma, Bayat M, Khalkhali H, Saffari S, Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2013)
Background and Objective: Candida albicans is the most frequent etiological agent of oral candidiasis. This study was done to compare the anticandidal effect of Thymus vulgaris and Myrtus communis to nystatin on Candida albicans. Materials and Methods: In this laboratory study thirty-two strains of Candida albicans isolated from patients with oral candidiasis. Yeast suspension of Candida yeast cells was provided, subsquntly a serial dilution from Thymus vulgaris and Myrtus communis and Nystatin in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) medium were prepared. Then a loop of Candida suspension was cultured on all of the solid media and was incubated at 25°C. The findings of fungus growing were recorded during 7 days. Results: MIC of Thymus vulgaris, Myrtus communis L, mix of these essences and Nystatin was 0.390µl/ml, 12.5 µl/ml, 0.78 µl/ml and 160 IU/ml, respectively. Conclusion: Thymus vulgaris contained antifungal activity against Candida albicans, but Myrtus communis demonstrated a very low activity against Candida albicans.
Ferdousi A, Shahhosseiny Mh , Bayat M , Hashemi Sj, Ghahri M, Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2014)
Background and Objective: Fusarium solani is the common etiological agent of fungemia and disseminated fusariosis, which is associated with high incidence of mortality in immune-compromised host. Due to high level of resistance of antifungals in Fusarium solani, rapid and specific identification of organism is essential. This study was done to evaluate the PCR method for rapid and specific diagnosis of Fusarium solani in serum samples of HIV positive patients. Methods: In this descriptive study, the PCR test based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene as the target gene with 330 bp product was optimized. PCR was applied on 45 serum samples of HIV positive patients after evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of the test. Results: In the optimized PCR test, the 330 bp product was amplified. The sensitivity of the test was a copy of Fusarium solani genome, and its specificity was 100%. Among 45 serum samples, 9 cases (20%) were positive for Fusarium solani. Conclusion: The PCR method has functional capabilities for direct, rapid and specific clinical diagnosis of Fusarium solani in HIV positive patients.
Tadibi V, Behpour N, Rahimi Ma, Rashidi S, Delbari Me, Usefipour P, Bayat Z, Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2015)
Background and Objective: Leptin has a key role in obesity and type 2 of diabetes. This study was done to compare the effects of eight weeks aerobic and combined training on serum levels of leptin and glucose in type 2 diabetic men. Method: This clinical trial study was performed on 24 men with type 2 diabetes whom reffered to Taleghani Hospital in Kermanshah, West of Iran during June to August 2012. The patients were randomly divided into 3 groups including aerobic training, combined training (aerobic and resistance training) and control groups. Training protocols included three 1-hour sessions per week for eight weeks. Subjects in the control group did not participate in any physical activities. Serum levels of leptin and glucose were measured 48 hours before and 48 hours after intervention as fasting values in pre-and post-tests. Results: There was no significant difference between groups at pre-test for serum levels of leptin and glucose. After intervention, serum level of glucose in the aerobic group and serum level of glucose and leptin in the combined group were significantly reduced in compared to the controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: Aerobic and combined training with beneficial effects on the sera glucose level are recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes. However, combined training, regarding reducing leptin level seems to be more useful for these subjects.
Bayat P, Khosrobeigi A, Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2015)
Background and Objective: The size of the human body is studied in anthropometry. In the one field of anthropometry, the relation of skull and brain size with body weight and height in human are studied. This study was done to determine the relation between cranial capacity and brain weight with body weight and height in 18-26 years old Iranian students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 286 students (150 females and 136 males) in Arak, Iran. Cranial capacity, brain weight, body weight and height, cerebral index and the ratio of brain to body (cerebral quotient) in 18-26 years old students were measeared. Results: The mean of cranial capacity in males and females were 1393.71 and 1168.71 mm3, respectively (P<0.05). The mean of brain weight in males and females were 1445.19 and 1209.61 gram, respectively (P<0.05). The mean of cerebral index in males and females were 1.99 and 2.2, respectively (P<0.05). Positive statistical correlation was seen between cranial capacity with body weight, height and BMI in both gender. Conclusion: Cranianl capacity and brain weight in males was more than females while cerebral index was more in females.
Bayat P , Kalantar Hormozi E , Khosrobeigi A, Volume 17, Issue 4 (12-2015)
Background and Objective: Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive facultative intracellular non spore forming bacillus. The epidemiologic studies have shown that Listeria monocytogenes is the cause of abortion and abnormalities in human embryo. This study was done to determine the effect of listeria monocytogenes colonization on maternal and fetal liver and spleen in mice. Methods: In this experimental study, Inbred BALB/c dams allocated into case and control groups. Dams in interventional and control groups were received 200µL of 1.2 LogFCU/ml, Listeria monocytogenes and normal salin intraperitoneally, respectively. Few mice from each group were randomally selected and 5ml of blood collected, placenta, uterus liver and spleen were removed subsequently in 13 and 24 day of gestation and listeria monocytogenes colonization were determined. Liver and spleen of full term offsprings were stained for the histological studies. Results: L.monocytogenes strains were detected in different organs of mice damsup for 30 day of gestation. The higest and lowest of organ contamination were seen in liver and blood samples, respectively. The ratio of weight/volume of organ was higher in case than control groups. Hepatocytes degenration, hepatocyte size alteration, cell cord atrophy and sinusoid dilatation were seen in the liver. Disruption of red pulp, disorganization of lymphoid nodules and necrosis were noticed in the spleen. Conclusion: Contamination of BALB/c dams causes the histological alterations in the liver and spleen of offesprings.
Zohre Amirkhani , Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani , Volume 20, Issue 3 (10-2018)
Background and Objective: Oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of some diseases such as atherosclerosis and doing high intensity training may enhance oxidative stress. This study was done to evaluate the effect of eight weeks resistance training on malondialdehyd, total, antioxidant capacity, liver enzymes and lipid profile in overweight and obese women.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 16 overweight and obese women were non-randomly divided into intervention (n=9) and control (n=7) groups. The resistance training included the resistance training (with intensity of 50-80% one repetition maximum) that lasted for 8 weeks and 3 sessions per week. Every session lasted for 60 minutes. Malondialdehyd, total antioxidant capacity, liver enzymes and lipid profile for each subject was measured.
Results: The eight weeks resistance training significantly increased total antioxidant capacity high density lipoprotein and triglyceride in interventional group in compared to controls (p<0.05). The eight weeks resistance training significantly reduced alanine aminotransferase in comparison with control group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Eight weeks resistance training by reducing malondialdehyd and increasing total antioxidant capacity may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis disease and improving cardiovascular health.
Javad Almasi , Kamal Azizbeigi , Khaled Mohammad Zade Salamat , Behshad Naghshtabrizi , Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani , Volume 21, Issue 4 (12-2019)
Background and Objective: Todays, coronary artery disease is one of the most important health issues. Antioxidants are the agents that can play important role in reducing cardiovascular diseases. The present study was done to determine the effect of resveratrol supplementation during rehabilitation exercises training on systemic inflammation factors in patients after coronary artery bypass surgery.
Methods: This clinical trial study was done on 40 patients after coronary artery bypass surgery in the heart rehabilitation center of Farshchian cardiovascular specialist hospital in Hamadan, Iran during 2016. Patients randomly assigned into four groups including control (Con; n=10), resveratrol supplementation (RS; n=10), rehabilitation exercise training (RXT; n=10), and resveratrol supplements-cardiac rehabilitation exercise training (REX; n=10). Rehabilitation exercise training was done in nonconsecutive three sessions for eight weeks in the form of endurance training at 50-70% HRmax for 15-20 min, and resistance training at 20-50 one-repetition maximum (1RM). The number of repetitions was 8-15 reps, where done based on the capacity and ability of the subject, while the subjects in supplement groups consumed daily 400 mg of resveratrol. Blood sample was done before and 48 hours after exercise training and supplementation, and concentrations of Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), Interleukin- 6 (IL-6), Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured in the plasma.
Results: CRP, TNF-alpha and IL-1beta and IL-6 were significantly reduced in resveratrol supplements-cardiac rehabilitation exercise training group in compared to control, resveratrol supplementation and rehabilitation exercise training groups (P˂0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that combination of consuming resveratrol with rehabilitation exercise training in reducing some inflammatory factors was evaluated selectively, more effective than rehabilitation exercise training and resveratrol supplementation alone.
Sajjad Pourbagher, Abdolreza Bay, Alireza Heidari, Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2023)
Background and Objective: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have been active in the field of health for a long time and have played a key role in it, but these organizations are less known to the public for the promotion of social health and are not much considered by the planners and managers of the health system. This study was conducted to determine the challenges of NGOs’ to promote social health in Iran.
Methods: In this qualitative study, 15 Iranian managers and scientific and executive experts of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Governorate, and Universities of Medical Sciences of the country were selected by purposeful sampling during 2021. Data were collected using an interview guide and semi-structured in-depth interview methods. After recording and transcribing, the data were analyzed by content analysis.
Results: The challenges of NGOs to promote social health in Iran were classified into six main themes of planning, organizing, functional, political, economic, and sociocultural challenges, and 33 sub-themes. Most of the participants emphasized the weak role of non-governmental organizations in improving social health and considered it a result of the mentioned challenges.
Conclusion: Empowering non-governmental organizations by formulating a strategic and operational plan and attracting financial resources from various government, private, and charitable sectors will greatly help to strengthen them to advance social health promotion programs.
Zahra Safavibayat , Nadereh Naderiravesh , Malihe Nasiri , Majid Daneshfar , Volume 25, Issue 3 (10-2023)
Background and Objective: Loneliness is one of the problems experienced by the aging population, and the lack of social communication plays a major role in the emergence of loneliness. This study was conducted to determine the effects of telenursing on the loneliness of the elderly.
Methods: This field trial was conducted on 100 elderly people over 60 years of age who were selected by convenience sampling from the clients of Gonabad (Iran) community health centers during 2017. The elderly participants were randomly assigned to 2 groups of 50 people, intervention and control. Then, the demographic information questionnaire, the Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive Decline in the Elderly, and Dehshiri et al.'s Loneliness Scale were completed. The intervention group received face-to-face training by the researcher for 2 hours. There was no intervention for the control group, and the elderly received routine care from the family health unit. After the face-to-face meeting, phone calls were made by the researcher to the intervention group for 12 weeks. One month after the end of the intervention, the questionnaires were completed again by the two groups and evaluated and compared.
Results: The mean (standard deviation) score of loneliness was 60.82±21.07 and 57.48±18.76 before the intervention in the intervention and control groups, respectively, and this value after the intervention was 35.06±14.20 and 61.40±18.72, respectively, in the intervention and control groups. After the intervention, a statistically significant difference was found in terms of a reduction in the loneliness score of the elderly in the intervention group compared to the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that telenursing was effective in reducing the loneliness of the elderly.