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Showing 1214 results for Type of Study: Original Articles
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Saeed Kokly , Omid Momen , Omid Kor , Seyyed-Mohsen Hosseininejad , Volume 0, Issue 0 (12-2024)
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Saeedi M (msc), Baradaran H (phd), Hatef Mr (md), Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-1999)
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) are produced against lysozomal constituents and primary granules of myeloid cells (Neutrophiles & monocytes) in some rheumatic diseases and wegner’s granulomtosis (WG). This antibodies not only may related to onset of vasculitis lesions, but also have a valuable diagnostic tool, thus, first we tired to evaluated the prevalence of this antibodies in 65 serum of patients with RA and 42 serum of patients with SLE. By using of indirect immunoflourescence assay (IFA), two staining patterns are recognized: Cytoplasmic (C-ANCA) pattern which in 80% of results from anti-PR3, and prenuclear (P-ANCA) pattern, which can result from any antibody directed to myeloperoxidase (MPO), cathepsin G (CG) lactoferrin (LF), elastsae (HLE) and lysozyme (LZ). The sensitivity and specificity for SLE from 1:128 serum dilution was 8% and 85.1% respectively, and for RA from 1:16 dilution was 32.2% and 87.5% respectively. Of the 19 SLE, ANCA positive patients 18 (94.7%) had P-ANCA and 1 patient (5.3%) had C-ANCA and of the 23 RA, ANCA positive patients, 17 (73.9%) had P-ANCA and 6 patients (26.1%) had C-ANCA.
Ahmadpour M (md), Vakili Ma (msc), Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-1999)
In order to determine the relationship between breast feeding and growth pattern, the information about anthropometric measurement and feeding pattern in first 4-6 months of life and after that of 324 hospitalized children were recorded and analyzed results are as follow: 67.3% were exclusively breast-fed, 61.3% were breast-fed accompanied with non-maternal milk (Cow milk, formula, pasteurized cow milk) and 11.4% were fed with non-maternal milk only. 44.8% of the total patients had weight for the age under 5th percentile, 53.7% had height for the under 5th percentile and 26.9% had head circumference (HC) for age under 5th percentile of NCHS standard. 77.8% of infants under 6 months of age who had weight for age under 5th percentile never have been fed with breast milk. In the other hand 72.2% of patients with weight for age between 5-100th percentile fed exclusively with breast milk in first 4-6 months of life (P<0.03). 63.2% of infants aged 6-12 months with weight for age under 5th percentile have never been fed with breast milk in first 4-6 months or did not commence supplementary food on time. This study suggest that exclusively breast-feeding in first 4-6 months of life and continuation of breast milk beside supplementary food on proper time can provide better growth potential relative to other options.
Farajollahi M (md), Marjani Aj (phd), Ahangari T (phd), Vakili Ma (msc), Saghali Nm (md), Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-1999)
Urinary tract infection is one of the most common bacteria infections. The incidence of urinary tract infections in school age is more common in girls than in boys. Children have to be screened for asymptomatic bacteriuria before they reach to the state of renal damage. In our district no such study has been made to determine the prevalence of bacteriuria. Urine samples were collected from 642 school girls aged between 6-11 years, and were investigated by doing urine analysis and urine culture. 15 girls had significant bacteriuria, (>10^5 bacteria/ml). 11 children had pyuria (WBC>5), and 6 samples had both significant bacteriuria and pyuria. At the same time there were 5 cases with sterile pyuria. 6 girls had nitrite in their urine samples. All of the urine samples with positive nitrite test had significant bacteriuria. The study shows that there is a positive correlation between pyuria of nitrite and significant bacteriuria. Escherichia-coli is the most common microorganism in schoolgirls with significant bacteriuria. The incidence of screening bacteriuria was 2.3% which most of them were asymptomatic.
Khori V (phd), Nayebpour Sm (phd), Ashrafian Y (pharm.d), Hajiakhondi A (phd), Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-1999)
This study was designed to evaluate the effects of total extract of Phytolacca Decandra on electrophysiological properties of atrioventricular node. Male rat heart after isolation was attached to a Langendorff perfusion system. The stimulation protocol was carried out during control condition (No intervention) and on the presence of selected concentration (1.10-7 %w/v, 2.10-7 %w/v, 5.10-7 %w/v) of Phytolacca Decandra. The basic (Wenchebach, AVCT and ERP) and functional (Recovery) properties of AV-node were studied in solated, perfused male rat cardiac preparations. Total extract of P.decandra significantly increased WBCL, AVCT and ERP in the concentration dependent manner, but had no significant effect on the time constant of recovery. The results of this study demonstrate that total extract of P.decandra had parasympathic-like effect on time-independent properties of AV-node and the above results also showed a potential anti-arrhythmic role of P.decandra in terminating supraventricular tachyarrhythmia.
Mohammadian S (md), Bazrafshan Hr (md), Azizi F (md), Vakili Ma (msc), Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-1999)
In this case-control study, 58 transfusion-dependent Thalassemic patients compared with 46 normal healthy persons on study of their thyroid size & function. In this study, thalassemia patients divided in two groups: Group one 31 patients with (Ferritin<1500) and group two 27 patients with (Ferritin>1500) and 3rd one was named control group (46 healthy persons). These groups were compared to achieve the best possible results and conclusion out of 31 patients. From first group 26 people had normal thyroid function test only 5 patients (16%) had goiter. From 27 patients in second group, 5 people (19%) had normal thyroid and 22 patients had goiter, in 3rd group 29% had normal thyroid, the difference between second and third groups were significant (P<0.01). In second group T4 level were lower than control, instead the TSH level were more than control group. The difference in second and third group were significant. The mean of T3 and T4 in group one and three don’t have significant differences. Conclusion: The goiter incidence and hypothyroidism in major Thalassemia with poor control (Ferritin>1500) are high.
Azarhoush R (md), Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-1999)
The amount of stainable Iron in the bone marrow is frequently used as a means of assessing Iron stores. In our study marrow Iron assessed in needle biopsy sections and simultaneously obtained aspirated smears from 75 patients. Significantly different amounts of stainable Iron were observed in needle biopsy and aspirated smears in 53.3% of the specimen. The usual difference consisted of significantly less stainable Iron in needle biopsy sections as compared to the aspirated smears (49.3%). In according to this study, in comparison of needle biopsy section to aspirated smears (As a golden test), sensitivity and specificity were 88 and 64 percent, respectively. Also, positive and negative predictive values were 56.5 and 91%, respectively. It can be appreciated that marrow assessment of Iron content may be associated with distinct differences between the needle biopsy specimens, and the aspirated smears, and could lead to diagnostic error, although, with some limitations and cautions biopsy specimen can be used for Iron assessment.
Ghazimoghadam B (md), Jabalameli P (md), Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-1999)
In this study 32 patients whom had only one superficial bladder tumor (T?-T1 stage) were selected to investigate the effectiveness of either BCG of Alfa-Interferon in preventing the recurrence of tumor. The other aim of this study was to compare the ideal regiment for the patient. These patients previously had neither tumor nor immunotherapy. The patients were divided randomly into two groups, each consisting of 16 people, and they were given the chosen medicine two weeks after surgery of tumor, which is usually superficial tumor (TCC type). 10 million unit of Alfa-Interferon in amount of 7 dose was injected weekly in those patients in group 1 and 120 mg BCG in group 2 respectively. Tumor recurrence in those patients, which receive interferon, was 50% and those that receive BCG was 18.5% respectively (P=0.07). The average recurrence of tumor in group 1 was 0.046 for one person per month (Patient/month) and the same index for group 2 was 0.015 recurrence for each person per month. Relative risk in equal to 3 (Relative risk=3) with accuracy of 95% between (0.87-10.38) but in those patients that were under ?-Interferon treatment only 4, and in BCG group 13 patients got the side effects of medicines.
Khoshbin Ar (msc), Mozdarani H (phd), Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-1999)
In this research we examined the sensitivity of micronucleus assay for monitoring clastogenic effects of low dose fast neutrons. Syrian mice (12 weeks old) were irradiated by fast neutrons emitted from a 241Am-9Be source. The absorbed dose was 1.5, 2.25, 3.375 and 5.06 cGy. Mice were scarified by cervical dislocation at different post irradiation times (24, 48 and 72 h). The results obtained show that the frequency of neutron-induced micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes (PCES) is significantly higher than those of control groups (P<0.05) at neutron dose used in this experiment. We concluded that micronucleus assay is an effective and also inexpensive method for monitoring clastogenic effects of high LET radiation in low dose levels.
Abdolahei Aa (msc), Zarkeshan R (msc), Azarm T (md), Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-1999)
Most cancer patients complain from pain in final part of their disease. One of the aims of health center, in the country is how to relieve pain from such patients. Therefore we tried to carry on a semi-experimental research to find out the effectiveness of Morphine by either continuous infusion or intermittence injection in such patients. We used non-random sampling, the total number of samples were 11 female and 9 male. These patients were on their final phase of disease. The process that we collected the information was based on the check-list which consist of two sections, in first part the demographic characterization of patients was recorded, using observation and interview with patients and in second part of these check-list the level of pain was assessed using visual analogue scale, which marked every two hours and finally the average of this scale in 24 hours is evaluated using as index in our study. Our results indicate that continuous infusion is more effective in relieving pain than intermittence injection (P<0.03). The results of this investigation showed that, age, sex and different type of cancer has got no meaningful variation in changing the main findings of this semi-experimental research.
Tajari Hr (md), Golalipour Mj (phd), Vakili Ma (msc), Okhovat Sh (md), Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-1999)
Cryptorchidism means undersecending testes, it is one of the most disorder in boy’s urogenital system. The aim of this research is to study the cryptorchidism prevalency in newborn boys in Gorgan. This research is a descriptive and cross-sectional study and the population under examination are those newborn boys that are given birth in Dizyani Hospital during 1377. 2318 newborn boys examined by standard physical method and the relation between this disorder and the following parameters has been the main concerns of this study, these are as follow: Either bilateral or unilateral cryptorchidism, mother’s age, parity, birth weight, maturating as birth, and race. The results of this study show, that from 2318 newborn boys 89 infant (3.8%) have cryptorchidism at birth. From those latter figures 2.3% are unilateral and 1.5% are bilateral. Our result indicate that there is a significant correlation between cryptorchidism gestational age (P<0.0001) and birth weight (P<0.0001) but there is no relation between cryptorchidism with mother age and parity. The present research also indicate that cryptorchidism prevalency in under-weight newborn and premature infant is considerably increased. The conclusion of our study indicate that cryptorchidism prevalency has got no significant differences from previous investigations.
Ghaemi E (phd), Ghazi Saedi K (phd), Babai M (bsc), Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-1999)
We studied the effect of different concentration of streptomycin in growth of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis strains. The results showed that in Streptomycin resistant and sensitive strains addition of 0.1 µg/ml and 0.01 µg/ml of Streptomycin in Lowenstein media, enhanced the appearance of colony about 5-7 and 1-5 days respectively. This observation may be due to the effect of Streptomycin on porin proteins of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis cell wall. Strains of M.tub showed modified colony morphology in the presence of low concentration of Streptomycin (0.1 & 0.01 µg/ml).