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Katebi M (phd), Soleimani M (phd), Farahani Pad R (medical Student), Abbasi Moghadam Ma (medical Student), Mehdizadeh M (phd), Rasouli H (phd),
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2010)

Background and Objective: Until now there is no drug formulated to prevent Neuronal Loss following Brain Stroke. In this study, we compared the effects of the mitoKATP opener, diazoxide, on ultra-structural morphology changes following in cortical neurons following in-vivo ischemic injury. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, Rats randomly allocated in eight experimental groups including sheme, positive control, 1, 5 and 25 mg/kg/body weight of Glybanclamid groups and 2, 6 and 18 mg/kg body weight of Diazoxide experimental groups, respectively. In animals in each experimental groups, only 2 hours following adminstration of Diazoxide or Glybanclamid ischemia was induced for 15 min by the 4-vessel occlusions surgery followed by 24 hours reperfusion. After tissue prosseccing, ultra-structural changes in neuronal mitochondria and nuclei were studied by electromicroscope. Results: Ultrastructural morphological changes including nuclear pyknosis, swollen mitocondria and cristae damage after iscemia were observed in control and sheme groups. These changes were severe in Glybanclamid experimental groups. Also this changes were depend on dosage of Glybanclamid. Ultrastructural changes were decreased in Diazoxide treatment group (18mg/kg body weight), but in 2 and 6mg/kg/body weight of Diazoxide groups these decreasing of Ultrastructural changes was not observed. Conclusion: This study showed that Diazoxide with dosge of 18mg/kg/body weight has neuro-protective effects on diminishing ischemia-induced structural deterioration of neuronal mitochondria and morphological apoptotic changes in nucleus.
Hasanzadeh Gh (phd), Deihimi M (msc), Azornia M (phd), Rajabi M (md), Takzare N (msc),
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2010)

Background and Objective: Laser is a source of electromagnetic radiation. Laser therapy has a kind of natural and biological effect on tissue which acts via energy and light power. Todays the use of infrared and red rays from low-power lasers have been established as a routine way for the treatment of diseases. Considering the important role of laser in biological sciences this study was done to compare the effect of red and infrared spectrum low level of laser rays on Rat Seminiferous tubules. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was done on 40 male Rat which divided in four groups including one control and three experimental. In the first experimental group, the right testis of the rats was exposed to a mixture of 300 Hz infra-red ray for 7 minutes and 300 Hz red spectrum for 1 minute daily. In the second experimental group, the right testes were exposed to the 300 Hz infra-red ray for 8 minutes for 40 seconds daily. In the third experimental group, the right testes were exposed to 80 Hz infra-red for 5 minutes and 80 Hz red ray for one minute daily. The controls did not receive any rays. After 15 days, testes were dissected, fixed and stained for histological processing. Thickness of seminiferous tubules and lumen as well as the thickness and area of seminiferous epithelium were measured. The concentration of testosterone was determined with radioimmunoassay. Data was analyzed with SPSS-13 software and ANOVA test. Results: There was a significant difference in the thickness of seminiferous tubules, thickness of lumen space and thickness of epithelium between first (i.e., the mixture of 300 Hz red and infra-red lasers), second (300 Hz infra-red laser) and the third experimental groups (80 Hz red and infra-red lasers) (P<0.05). But no difference was found between the first group and control. The serum testosterone concentration did not show any differences between experimental and control. Conclusion: This study showed that morphologic and morphometric alterations have direct relation with laser energy density.
Khayatzadeh J, Afshar M, Moallem Sa, Shahsavan M, Naseh Gh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2011)

Background and Objective: The food additives, like sodium and potassium benzoate are used in many food products and drugs to prevent the growth of yeast and molds. There is no report about the histopathological effect of potassium benzoate. Placenta, has a critical role in embryonic development therefore this study was set up to evaluate the effects of potassium benzoate on placenta of BALB/c mice.

Materials and Methods: 45 BALB/c female mice were allocated into two experimental (1, 2) and one control groups. Experimental groups received daily intraperitoneal injection of 280 and 560 mg/kg/body weight of potassium benzoate and control group received normal saline. All injections were done during 10 days before mating and 5th to 16th of gestational days (GD). In GD 18 all placenta were removed via cesarean section. Macroscopic studies for morphological abnormalities were done and after measuring of placental weight and diameter, for microscopic studies the specimens were fixed and tissue passage were done. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and histopathological changes were studied. Weight, diameter and percentage of agenesis of placenta in all groups were gathered. Data analyzed with using
SPSS-11.5, ANOVA and Tukey tests.

Results: The mean weight and diameter of the placenta in both experimental groups 1 and 2 were significantly decreased compared to control group. Also atrophy of placenta in the experimental groups was increased significantly compared to the control group (P<0.05). Comparison of weight and diameter between groups 1 and 2 was not significant. Percentage of placenta agenesis in the experimental groups was increased significantly compared to the control group (P<0.05). Massive hemorrhage in labyrinth zone, fetal and maternal zones were seen in both experimental groups.

Conclusion: This study showed that exposure of potassium benzoate during mice pregnancy cause morphological and histopathological changes of placenta, including decrease of weight and diameter, agenesis, hemorrhage and tissue disorders.

Tehranipour M, Javadmoosavi Bz (msc), Kehtarpour M, Khayyatzade J,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2011)

Background and Objective: Neurons are injured under physical, chemical and pathological conditions. The effects of injuries in peripheral nervous system returns as retrograde to the cell body of neurons in central nervous system and causes brain and spinal degeneration. This study was done to evaluate the effect of aquatic extract of Cannabis sativa leaves on degeneration of alpha motoneurons in spinal cord after sciatic nerve compression in Rats.

Materials and Methods: This experimental study was carried out on thirty two male Wistar rats, weighing 300-350 grams. Animals were divided into four groups each consisting eight members A: control, B: compression, C: compression + treatment with 25 mg/kg aquatic extract, D: compression + treatment with 50 mg/kg aquatic extract. In order to induce compression in B, C and D, after cutting the right thigh muscle, Sciatic nerve of thigh was exposed to compression for 60 seconds using locker pincers. The first extract injection was done intraperitoneally immediately after compression and the second intera peritoneal injection was done 7 days later. 28 days after compression, the Lumbar spinal cord were dissected, fixed and stained with toluidine blue. The density of alpha motoneurons was measured using dissector and stereological methods. Data was analyzed with using Minitab-13 software, ANOVA and Tukey tests.

Results: Neuronal density was 611.5±34.2 and 1633.4±30.7 in compression and control groups respectively (P<0.001). There was a meaningful statistical increase in neuronal density of group C (1278.6±28.1) in comparing compression group (P<0.001). The neuronal density in group (D) (1549.8±87.7), significantly increased in comparison with group (B) (P<0.001).

Conclusion: This study showed that aquatic extract of Cannabis sativa leaves increases the density of alpha motoneurons in spinal cord after sciatic nerve compression in Rats. The increase in neuronal density is relevant to the amount of extract used.

Hosseinzadeh S (msc), Dabidi Roshan V (phd),
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2011)

Background and Objective: Lead threaten living creature’s life as air pollutant and causes several diseases such as degenerative disease of nervous system. This research was conducted to determine the effect of Curcumin on BDNF changes and oxidative/antioxidative process in rat’s hippocampus which exposed to Lead acetate.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 40 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to four groups of ten: Base, Sham(control), lead and Curcumin+Lead. lead and Curcumin+Lead groups received 20 mg/kg lead acetate and Curcumin+Lead group also received 30 mg/kg Curcumin, peritoneally for 8 weeks (3 days in weeks). MDA (oxidative stress biomarker) and TAC (total antioxidative capacity) levels were measured by TBARS and FRAP methods, respectively, and hippocampus BDNF level was measured by ELISA method in rat hippocampus region. Data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA test and Tukey at P<0.05 level.

Results: Injection of lead acetate significantly increased MDA, non-significantly decreased hippocampus BDNF and significantly decreased TAC levels in the Lead group compared with control groups. On the other hand, curcumin administration led to non significantly decreased MDA, nonsignificantly increased BDNF and significantly increased TAC levels compared with other groups (P<0.05).

Conclusion: This study showed that Curcumin adminstration in long term lead acetate-treated male Wistar Rats did not increased BDNF of hippocampus, but it prevent the reduction of BNDF due to lead-intoxification.

Tehranipour M (phd), Sabzalizade M (msc),
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2011)

Background and Objective: Memory is an especial ability of brain in which saves the information and reuptake it. The memory is depended on hippocampus and amigdal. The neuronal density of hippocampus and amigdal have direct effect on their physiological functions. Cannabis sativa is belongs to Cannabinaceae family that Tetrahidrocanabinol is important component of this plant. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of alcoholic extract of Cannabis sativa on CA1, CA2 and CA3 subfeilds of hippocampus neuronal density in male Rats.

Materials and Methods: This experimental study was performed on 18 male Rats with (250-320gr) weight and 3 month old in faculty of science, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Iran (2010-2011). At first the alcoholic extraction was provided by the soxhlet method of the seed of this plant with coded 2548. Eighteen male wistar Rats were allocated into 2 experimental groups (25,75mg/kg of alcoholic extract of Cannabis sativa) and one control group. Alcoholic extract of Cannabis sativa was injected intraperitonealy (I.P.) in experimental groups for two weeks (every week one injection). After four weeks animal was decapitated and their brain dissected, fixed in 10% formalin, sectioned in 7μm thickness and stained by toluidin blue. By applying stereological techniques and systematic random sampling scheme the neuronal density of hippocampus were estimated.

Results: Neuronal density in control and treated with alcoholic extract (25,75mgkg) CA1 was 17982, 26750 and 22801 respectively. Neuronal density in CA2 was 19171, 26750 and 22801 respectively and also in CA3 was 19391, 24043, 28571 respectively. Neuronal density in CA1, CA2 and CA3 of hippocampus in treated groups with alcoholic extract (25,75mgkg) was significantly increased in comparision with controls (P<0.01).

Conclusion: This study determined that the alcoholic extract of Cannabis sativa can induce hippocampus neurogenesis which is not dose depended.

Shabani R (msc), Jahanshahi M (phd), Noroozian M (phd), Sadeghi Y (phd), Azami Ns (phd),
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2011)

Background and Objective: Morphological alterations of hippocampus and dentate gyrus due to opium were reported in humans and animals. Also other evidences have shown that astrocytes actively participate in synaptic plasticity. This study was done to determine the conditioning place preference (CPP) on astrocytes number of Rat dentate gyrus by immunohistochemical technique.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 48 male Wistar Rat weighted average 220-250 g were used. For behavioural tests, Rats divided into eight experimental groups. The Rats were received morphine at different doses (2.5, 5, 7.5 mg/kg) for three days by subcutaneous injection and sham groups, received saline dose (1 mg/kg) and then CPP test in them were investigated. 48 hours after behavioural testing animals were decapitated under chloroform anesthesia and their brains fixed and after tissue processing, slices stained with immunohistochemistery techniques. For morphometric study PTAH staining of astrocytes was used.

Results: The most dose responses of morphine was observed in 7.5mg/kg. The number of astrocytes in the controls (20.627±6.129) was similar to control-saline group (17.339±4.71). This difference was not significant, while the difference in the number of astrocytes in control group with morphine-treated experimental groups was significant (P<0.05).

Conclusion: We concluded that the phenomenon of conditioned place preference induced by morphine can cause a significant increase in the number of astrocytes of sham and experimental groups compared to controls.

Ebrahimzadeh Bideskan Ar (phd), Nikravesh Mr (phd), Fazel Ar (phd),
Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2011)

Background and Objective: The neurohypophysis originates from the floor of diencephalon. Its development controles by several cellular interactions that mediated by some molecules such as cell surface and extra cellular matrix Glycoconjugates terminal sugars. In this study we used lectin histochemichal technique to evaluate distribution of the Glycoconjugates and their changes during development of neurohypophysis. Materials and Methods: This experimental study carried on 40 female and 20 male adult Rats. After mating and appointment day zero of pregnancy, pregnant Rats were sacrificed from days 10-20 of gestation and their embryos were collected for histochemical study. The serial section of head specimens were fixed and incubated with different HRP-lectins from Orange fungus (OFA) Vicica villosa (VVA), Glycine max (SBA), Wistaria floribunda (WFA), peanut (PNA), Griffonia simplicfolia (GSA1-B4), Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA) and Ulex Europeus (UEA-1). OFA, LTA and UEA-1 lectins are specific for terminal sugars α-L–Fucose and WFA, SBA, VVA and PNA are specific for D-GalNAc, α, ß-D-GalNAc and GalNAc, D-Gal-(ß-1-3)- D-GalNAc of complex glycoconjugates respectively. Results: Our findings demonstrated that the reaction of neurohypophysis cells with OFA initiated from gestational GD10 and increased to GD15 (P<0.05) and then increased to GD17 (P<0.05). A few cells of neurohypophysis reacted with PNA from GD13 to GD16 and decreased afterward (P<0.05). Some cells of neurohypophysis reacted with SBA from GD14 to GD18 and decreased afterward (P<0.05). Reacting of many cells of neurohypophysis with WFA started on GD13 and increased to GD15 (P<0.05) and then decreased afterward (P<0.05). Neurohypophysis cells showed no reaction with the UEA-1, LTA, VVA and GSA1-B4 lectins. Conclusion: The expression of Glycoconjugates with terminal sugars α-L–Fucose, α, ß-D-GalNAc and D- Gal– (ß-1-3)- D-GalNAc have importanct role and special spatiotemporal situation in neurohypophysis development.
Khalili Ma (phd), Mortazavi Mh, Mollaabbasi Ar, Lotfi-Hormozdabadi M, Akhavan-Tafti M (phd), Safari-Mamzooji S (phd),
Volume 13, Issue 4 (12-2011)

Background and Objective: The pregnancy period is very sensitive and complicative stages of life. It has been shown that addictive drugs such as ecstasy (MDMA: Methylene Dioxy Metha Amphetamine) can interfere in this stage. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of Methylene Dioxy Metha Amphetamine administration during pregnancy on reproductive system of BALB/c mice. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 10 and 5 female BALB/c mice were randomly selected as cases and controls, respectively. The pregnancy was induced following ovarian hyperstimulation with PMSG and hCG followed by mating with male animals. MDMA (5 mg/kg) and saline was injected intraperitoneally in day 7 and 14 of pregnancy in experimental and controls, respectively. The ovarian structure, as well as uterine tube, uterine horns and body, and vagina were studied histologically using light microscopy 27 days post delivery date. Data analyzed by using SPSS-17 and Chi-Square and Fisher exact test. Results: The rate of primary follicles was decreased from 18.42% in experimental to 33.33% in controls (P<0.05). The rate of mature follicles was significantly increased in experimental mice as compared to controls (P<0.05). The number of atretic bodies was lower in experimental than controls. The cellular alterations were observed in some portions of uterine tubes and uterine horns after ecstasy administration. However, no alterations observed in other parts of reproductive system. Conclusion: This study showed that MDMA cause some structural alterations in the uterine tubes and uterine horns, increase follicular maturation and reduction of follicular atresia in BALB/c mice.
Kaboli Kafshgiri S (msc), Ghafari S (bsc), Hojjati V (msc), Asadi E (msc), Golalipour Mj (phd),
Volume 14, Issue 1 (3-2012)

Background and Objective: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common serious metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia, altered metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), affects 3.5–5% of all human pregnancy. Therefore, this study was done to evaluate the effect of gestational diabetes on astrocyte density in CA1 and CA3 subfields of hippocampus in rat male offspring.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 12 Wistar Dams rats were randomly allocated in control and diabetic groups. Gestational diabetes induced by 40 mg/kg/body weight of streptozotocin at the first day of gestation (GD) in experimental group and controls were received an equivalent volume normal saline injection intraperitoneally (IP). Six male offspring of cases and controls dams, at the 7, 21 postnatal day (P7, P21) were randomly selected. Animals were scarified using chloroform anesthesia. The coronal sections of brain by 6 micrometer serially were prepared. The sections were stained with PTAH. The number of astrocytes was evaluated in 100000 μm2 area of CA1 and CA3 in 1000X magnification. Data was analyzed by SPSS-11.5 and t-test.

Results: In CA1 subfield of hippocampus in offspring, the number of astrocytes  significantly reduced by 36.25% and 36.37% in diabetic group in compare to controls in the P7 and P21, respectively (P<0.05). In CA3, astrocytes density significantly reduced 36.35% and 26.5% in GD in comparison with controls in the P7 and P21, respectively (P<0.05).

Conclusion: This study showed that the uncontrol gestational diabetes significantly reduces astrocytes density in CA1 and CA3 subfields of hippocampus in rat offspring.

Fazelipour S, Tootian Z, Mohammadzadeh Kazergah F , Kiaie B, Chegini Hr, Mohammadzadeh Kazergah A , Soleimani M,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Background and Objective: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common in psychology and Methylphenidate hydrochloride (MPH) is one of the most frequently prescribed pediatric medicine. This study was done to determine the effect of Methylphenidate hydrochloride on ovarian and pituitary gonadotropin hormone in peripubertal mice Materials and Methods: This experimental study was done on 40 preipubertal female mice (BALB/c) with three weeks age and approximate 12-15 gram. The mice were allocated randomly in one control and three experimental groups, designated as I, II and III. Animals in group I, II and III were received by gavage Methylphenidate hydrochloride with 2, 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight for six days, respectively. At the end of experiment body weight, serum estrogen, progesterone and pituitary gonadotropins were measured. Morphometric and histopathological evaluation of ovary were examined. Data were analyzed using SPSS-17, ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: The body weight and ovary dimensions of animals in experimental groups were reduced significantly in comparison with control (P<0.05). Abnormal cells, structural alternations of granules cells and follicular growth abnormality were observed in experimental groups I and III in compare to control group. A significant reduction of estrogen, in group I, progesterone levels in group I and III were observed in comparison with the controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that the Methylphenidate hydrochloride administration induces the reduction of body weight, ovary dimensions and hormones.
Mohammadi Gorji S, Karimpour Malekshah Aa,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Background and Objective: The anthracyclin drug doxorubicin (Adriamycin) is one of the most effective antineoplastic agents, and widely used to treat a number of malignancies. However, its use has been restricted due to the dose-dependent cardiotoxicity. The mechanisms of Doxorubicin - induced cardiotoxicity is not entirely clear. This study investigates the effect of Doxorubicin on Bcl2 and Bax genes expression as key molecules that involve in intrinsic pathway of apoptosis in rat heart. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study Doxorubicin administration, male Wistar rats were exposed to intraperitoneal injections (2.5 mg/kg, six times for 2 weeks, n=20). Animals were randomly assigned to the healthy untreated control (n=10) and to the Doxorubicin treatment groups (n=10). Three weeks after completion of treatment myocardial fibrosis, Bcl2 and Bax genes expression were investigated by Masson’s trichrome staining and Real Time- PCR analysis respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS-16 and independent samples t-test, Mann-Whitney and Kaplan-Meyer method. Results: Masson’s trichrome staining showed that Doxorubicin increased fibrosis in the cardiac muscle (16.4±1) in compare to control group (1±0.79). Real Time- PCR analysis showed that Doxorubicin decreased Bcl2 expression levels (0.1±0.07) and increased Bax expression levels (2.1±0.1) in the myocardium in compare to control group (P<0.01). Conclusion: This study showed that administration of Doxorubicin increase interstitial fibrosis of myocardium and Bax expression levels and decrease Bcl2 expression that are the key genes of mitochondria-dependent apoptotic pathway.
Soleimani Asl S, Shekarriz N, Molavi N, Basirat A, Falahati P, Esmaeili F, Azimi Z, Sajadi F, Mehdizadeh M,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Background and Objective: Considering the role of the hippocampus in memory, this study was done to evaluate the effect of 3-4,methylenedioxymethamphetamine on CA1 hippocampal neurons in male rats. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study 18 sprague dawley male rats (200-250g) were randomly allocated into three groups as follow: control (intact), control sham and experimental groups. Sham and experimental groups were received normal salin (1 cc) and MDMA10mg/kg IP for 7 days, respectively. Following transcardial perfusion by paraformaldehid 4%, structure and ultrastructure of right CA1 hippocampus were assessed by crysel violet staining and electronic microscope. Data were analyzed using SPSS-16, ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: There was no significant difference between control (mean=210±40.38) and sham groups (mean=199±38.7) in neuron density. Neuron number decreased significantly in experimental group (mean=98±25.4) in compare to control and sham groups (P<0.001). There was no ultrastructural abnormality in control and sham groups. Finally, ultrastructural changes with apoptosis characterized by mitochondrial cristae reduction, distribution of nuclear chromatin and loss of cytoplasmic organelles in MDMA groups. Conclusion: This study shows that MDMA administration can stimulate the cell death with apoptotic pattern in hippocampus.
Afshar M, Moallem Sa , Khayatzadeh J, Taherian N, Hosseini Sm ,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Background and Objective: Carbamazepine during pregnancy can induce various malformations. Recent studies have showed an increase in homocysteine level due to Carbamazepine administration. This study was to evaluate the effect of Carbamazepine on homocysteine serum level in pregnant mice and fetal malformations outcome. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 40 BALB/c timed-pregnant mice were allocated into 2 experimental and 2 control groups. The experimental groups were received daily intraperitoneal injections of 30 mg/kg (group I) or 60 mg/kg (group II) of Carbamazepine on gestational days 6 to 15. The control groups were received either - normal saline or Tween 20. Dams underwent Cesarean section on GD 18. External examinations were done and all data concerning malformations, weight and crown-rump of fetuses collected. Blood samples were collected from Dams' hearts prior to performing the Cesarean section. Homocysteine was measured using ELISA method. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18, ANOVA, Chi-Square and Tukey tests. Results: Significant increase in Homocysteine levels of dams’ serum compared to control groups was seen in both experimental groups I and II (10.56±1.31 and 11.11±1.64 µmol/L, respectively, P<0.05). The mean weight and crown-rump of the fetuses in both experimental groups were significantly reduced compared with those of the control groups (P<0.05). Various malformations such as limb defects, vertebral defects, facial deformity and severe malformations were observed in fetuses of both experimental groups. Conclusion: Serum elevation of homocysteine in Carbamazepine exposed pregnant mice may be a risk factor for induction of fetal malformations.
Amerion M, Haidari K,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (10-2013)

Background and Objective: Estradiol plays an important role in folliculogenesis and its developmental stages of embryo. This study was done to determine the quantitative assessment of mouse embryo development yielded from in vitro fertilization of ovulated mature oocytes after ovarian stimulation using human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) and Estradiol valerate (E2). Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 40 female NMRI mice were allocated into two groups. Control and treatment groups received HMG alone (10 IU/mouse) and a combination of HMG and E2 (1μg/mouse) in single dose manner, respectively. Following the induction of ovulation by HCG, the oocytes collected and morphologically evaluated. MΙΙ oocytes for in vitro fertilization (IVF) were transferred into medium containing capacitated and incubated sperm derived from male NMRI mice. The yielded embryos subsequently transferred into developmental medium for reaching to the blastocyst stage. Results: The difference between the mean percentage of yielded oocytes and healthy MII oocytes in the control and treatment groups was not significant. The percentages of the fertilized oocytes reached to two-cells was 34.22±21.87 and 36.83±20.68 in control and treatment groups, respectively. The percentages of the blastocys stages of embryos was 49.41±26.5 and 62.02±30.11 in control and treatment groups, respectively. Conclusion: The addition of estradiol to HMG as an ovarian stimulator can not increase the rates of yielded MII oocytes and embryonic development.
Maliji Gh, Jorsaraei Sgh , Zabihi E, Fattahi E, Rezaie E, Sohan Faraji A ,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Objective: Agricultural toxins including organochlorine and organophosphorus families cause damages in the various tissues in humans. Diazinon is a non-systemic organophosphate insecticide. This study was carried out to determine the effect of Diazinon on sex hormone, interferon gamma, interleukin-4 and 10 in male rats. Methods: In this experimental study 24 adult male Wistar rats were randomly allocated into four groups. Three experimental groups were received Diazinon 5 days per week for one month at 0.3, 3 and 30 mg/kg/bw intraperitoneally, while controls received nothing. Seven days after the last injection, blood samples were obtained and the serum testosterone, FSH, LH, interferon gamma, interleukin-4 and interleukin-10 were measured. Results: Serum level of Interleukin-10 significantly increased in experimental group (30 mg/kg/bw of Diazinon) compared to controls (P<0.05). Serum level of Interleukin-10 significantly decreased in 0.3 mg/kg/bw and 3mg/kg/bw of Diazinon groups compared to controls (P<0.05). Interleukin-4 level was only significant in the group receiving 30 mg/kg/bw of Diazinon (P<0.05). Reduction in interferon-gamma level was not significant between control and experimental groups. FSH significantly reduced in the three experimental groups in comparison with controls (P<0.05). Testosterone level was significantly increased in experimental groups compared to control (P<0.05). Conclusion: Diazinon increases interleukin-10 and testosterone and reduces FSH hormone in the rat.
Golalipour Mj, Ghafari S, Moharreri Ar,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2014)

Background and Objective: Previous studies have shown the adverse effects of gestational diabetes on hippocampal neuron density in animal model. This study was conducted to determine the effect of gestational diabetes on number of motor neuron in the ventral horns of spinal cord in 4, 8 and 12 weeks rat offspring. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 30 Wistar dams were randomly allocated in control and diabetic groups. Dams in diabetic group were received 40 mg/kg/bw of streptozotocin (STZ) at the first day of gestational day (GD) and control group were received an equivalent volume normal saline, intraperitoneally. Six offspring of cases and controls were randomly selected at the 4, 8, 12 postnatal weeks. Postnatal rats were scarified and sections (6 micrometer) were taken from the cervical part of spinal cord, stained by cresyl violet. A photograph of sections was produced using an Olympus BX51 microscope and a DP12 digital camera. The number of motor neurons in the right ventral horns of spinal cord was evaluated in 100000 μm2 area of spinal cord using OLYSIA Autobioreport software. Results: The number of motor neurons in 4 weeks rat offspring were reduced (24.90%) in gestational diabetics compared to controls (17.16±0.5 vs22.85±2.1, P<0.05). The motor neurons in 8 weeks rat offspring were reduced (32.95%) in gestational diabetics in comparison with controls (17.70±1.7 vs26.40±2.0, P<0.05). Also, the number of motor neurons in 12 weeks rat offspring were reduced (24.38%) in gestational diabetics in comparison with controls (17.83±0.7 vs23.58±1.4, P<0.05). Conclusion: The uncontrolled gestational diabetes reduces the number of motor neurons in the ventral horn of spinal cord in rat offspring.
Khalatbary Ar,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2014)

Neurodegenerative diseases cause a range of neurological disorders in the central nervous system. Todays researchers emphasize the pivotal role of apoptosis in neurodegenerative diseases. Given that injured central nervous system has limited regenerative capacity, it is of extreme importance to limit the damage by inhibition of neuronal death. During the past decade, considerable progress has been made in understanding the process of apoptosis at molecular level. Also, according to the understanding of the mechanisms of apoptosis, several studies have examined the possible effects of neuroprotective compounds for reducing or inhibiting neuronal apoptosis. In this review article, it has been attempt to review the role of apoptosis in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases. Also, an overview has been made in the field of neuronal apoptosis inhibitor with neuroprotective compounds in human and experimental models of neurodegenerative diseases.
Moshkdanian Gh, Moghani Ghoroghi F, Shiasi M, Hassanzadeh G, Alaghebandha N, Dehbashipour A, Abrar Abbas M, Heydar Zeidi O , Barbarestani M,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2014)

Background and Objective: The human anthropometric characteristics are surveyed in anthropology. Anthropology is used in archeology, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and legal medicine. This study was carried out to evaluate the anthropometric characteristics of upper limb in Iranian and Pakistani subjects. Method: This descriptive - analytic study was performed on 300 resident’s adult subjects (180 males and 120 females) in Qazvin, Iran and 356 residents (181 males and 175 females) in Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan. Anthropometric characteristics of upper limb were measured in an anatomical position. Results: The mean±SD of arm length was 36.8±2.37 CM and 28.1±2.44 CM, in Pakistani and Iranian males, respectively, this difference was significant (P<0.05). The Mean of forearm length, hand length and hand width in Iranian men and women were non-significantly more than Pakistani subjects. Conclusion: Anthropometric characteristics of upper limb of Iranian are higher than Pakistani subjects, but this difference only in arm length of men was significant.
Bayat P, Khosrobeigi A,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2015)

Background and Objective: The size of the human body is studied in anthropometry. In the one field of anthropometry, the relation of skull and brain size with body weight and height in human are studied. This study was done to determine the relation between cranial capacity and brain weight with body weight and height in 18-26 years old Iranian students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 286 students (150 females and 136 males) in Arak, Iran. Cranial capacity, brain weight, body weight and height, cerebral index and the ratio of brain to body (cerebral quotient) in 18-26 years old students were measeared. Results: The mean of cranial capacity in males and females were 1393.71 and 1168.71 mm3, respectively (P<0.05). The mean of brain weight in males and females were 1445.19 and 1209.61 gram, respectively (P<0.05). The mean of cerebral index in males and females were 1.99 and 2.2, respectively (P<0.05). Positive statistical correlation was seen between cranial capacity with body weight, height and BMI in both gender. Conclusion: Cranianl capacity and brain weight in males was more than females while cerebral index was more in females.

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